Thanks for the update
Anyone have a fix for this? @Sean Buildbox
Below are the 4 errors I got from trying to upload through Xcode straight from the Buildbox file. I googled the issues and found some advice on...
Hi Sean - this is the error and list of warnings There were 4 errors initially - Had to copy some script to try and fix it which left me the one...
That one was in Buildbox 3D (just a two 2D world)
Hey Boxers - I've been getting an error in my upload ERROR ITS-90085: "No architectures in the binary. Lipo failed to detect any architectures in...
Hi - Does anyone know why my show rate of ads using Admob has dropped since February 2021? If you look at the attached I was getting low requests...
Thanks team - Really appreciate the inputs, did as much digging as I could and appeared like it was from a legit source. Love the BB Community....
Hi Boxers - I just released a game that I made with my daughter in the pandemic as a bit of fun. Its a cool but simple game (Alien Pop) and given...
Released last week guys... try it out and any feedback welcome. Pre-release links above will link to the actual game.
Very excited today boxers, ROCK PAPER AVOID has dropped as a pre-release for both IOS and Android IOS Pre-release Android Pre-release Its...
Separate names with a comma.