[tutorial] - How To Use Latest Teleporter Released On 3.3.7 Beta?

Discussion in 'Promotional' started by Vlad-NY, Dec 27, 2020.


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  1. Vlad-NY

    Vlad-NY Serious Boxer

    Jul 21, 2018
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    In today's post we're gonna be looking on the teleporter smart asset released in asset store. I'll go and explain everything that you need to know in order to understand how to use it and also including a little bit of code #yescode.
    So let's get started for this to work we need to import the actual teleporter , change some stuffs around for debugging and test our work.

    To import the smart asset follow this steps:
    • Open Assets Library
    • Click on Smart Assets tab
    • Select Teleporters (last option in the list)
    • Click on Add to Library button
    If done correctly you will be able to see the following list of objects:


    Now let me explain what is what here:

    Teleporter FX - is the object used for visual effects on both teleporters (Entry and Exit)
    Teleporter Entry - is the object that contains the logic for teleportation
    Teleporter Exit - the dummy object used as a target.

    Lets dive in and see what we have on each object:

    Teleporter Exit contains:

    • 2x 3d Models one used for the teleporter base and the 2nd one used for texture scrolling
    • 1x Texture Scroller node used to scroll the texture that can be found on the 2nd 3d model node in the picture.
    • Start node that is not used in this case, it only enables the 3d models and the texture script
    Teleporter FX contains:
    • Start node that is not used in this case, it only enables the Animation nodes.
    • 2x Animation nodes that plays when the object is spawned.
    • Remove node used to remove the object when at least one Animation has finished to play it's animation.
    Teleporter Entry contains:
    • 2x 3d Models one used for the teleporter base and the 2nd one used for texture scrolling.
    • 1x Texture Scroller node used to scroll the texture that can be found on the 2nd 3d model node in the picture.
    • Start node that is not used in this case, it only enables the 3d models and the texture script.
    • 1x If collide set to output the value when a object from the "Character" group enter it's radius.
    • 1x Custom teleporter script, the big elephant in the room... the code that "teleports" the trigger object to a specific position with multiple options to use.
    read the complete tutorial on:

    Now I know that this is not complete and you have to use a link to get the full info but I need to understand if you see this type of tutorials useful or not. So please bare with me and tell me what do you think.
    Leighton likes this.
  2. Jackazoid

    Jackazoid Avid Boxer

    Sep 7, 2017
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    It looks like the teleports only transports 1 object (without attachments or linkers)
  3. Vlad-NY

    Vlad-NY Serious Boxer

    Jul 21, 2018
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    Honestly I haven't tried this out with linkers or attachments but that's a good idea to at least explore on. Thanks for pointing that out.

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