Hope you guys find this tutorial useful. #1 Select Heyzap in the UI where you want to show Ads #2 Select Heyzap in your purchase button for video rewards #3 Add your Appodeal Application Key to the HeyZap Publisher ID #4 Export to your game to ios #5 Download this file https://drive.google.com/open?id=1D0aVP1oyO9KUPSlE3JwEwxgdE-im-8KK #6 Download Appodeal SDK 2.4.10 https://www.appodeal.com/sdk/documentation?framework=20&full=1&platform=4 #7 Open the ios project you have exported from buildbox - Delete the highlighted file and replace it with the one downloaded in step 5 - Delete the highlighted file and replace it with the Appodeal.framework (downloaded in step 6) #8 Open your project in xcode - open build settings, search for Other Linker Flags and replace HeyzapAds with Appodeal. upload image #9 Open Build Phases tab and under Link Binary With Libraries add the following libraries and frameworks AdSupport CoreText MobileCoreServices AudioToolbox EventKitUI QuartzCore AVFoundation EventKit SafariServices CFNetwork GLKit Security CoreBluetooth ImageIO Social CoreFoundation JavaScriptCore StoreKit CoreGraphics libc++ SystemConfiguration CoreImage libsqlite3.tbd Twitter CoreLocation libxml2.2.tbd UIKit CoreMedia libz.tbd WatchConnectivity CoreMotion MediaPlayer WebKit VideoToolbox CoreTelephony MessageUI backgammon calculator #10 Drag and drop the files of the Resources folder downloaded with the appodeal sdk in the step 6 to your Resources folder in your Xcode Project photo host DONE. Don't hesitate to ask any question in the comment section.
Hi, @ wissemslimi974 Thank you so much I was able to get it implemented but the banner ads aren't coming up as smart banners? As you see in the picture they are up and not across the whole bottom of the screen. Does anyone know how I can fix this and make the banners smart banners? Thanks so much.
@wissemslimi974 Hi, So I was just about to upload my game and while I was testing, I noticed the video ads coming up twice. Like one pops up you watch it and another ad plays. So you have to exit out of two ads? This can't be normal is it. Did I do something wrong? Thanks so much for any help.
Do you see two different ads one by one ?? Can you recognize the providers of these ads and maybe both come from the same source ??
Yes they come up one after the other and sometimes it is the same ad and sometimes it it two different ads?
I suppose that this is a mediation problem. Be assured that you have all the details about ads. It often happens when given games are out of date. I suggest starting to add ads from the beginning
But I just followed the example and put hey zap for my banner and pop ups? I am not sure what you mean by adding ads form the beginning? Should I take all the hey zap off and they put it back?
I think that you should start the whole mediation process and set up the ads in BB again. This can be a shorter way than looking for a problem inside BB.
Hello, I finished Appodeal tutorial in Xcode and there was one error : 166 duplicate symbols for architecture arm64 Can anyone help me ? Many thanks
I can confirm that this works as expected. I follow the instructions until step 5 then I followed the instructions on the Appodeal documents page. Appodeal version: Buildbox version: 2.3.8 b#2520 Here is my cocoapods file that works (this are the only adapters I use but you can probably at more without a problem):