It was my first game, I had never proposed it! The truth is that I am very happy with the result. Educational game to learn multiplication tables. It is designed for our children to learn the multiplication tables while they play and have fun in a happy world and soft melodies. Goal of the game: Learn the multiplication tables in a fun and quick way. Fan Page Facebook: Video: Google Play AppStore
I started on a similar idea, to teach my kids their times table, but never got that far with it. My daughter is still learning hers, so I'll download your game for her.
Yes, I met BB 3 weeks ago! I've never made a game! and a little bit and my daughter's need to study the multiplication tables, I saw the idea! simple, but it helps you learn them. Very proud to whom the game may be useful! But for these first-time games I see that BB licensing is very expensive. I do not know if I could get you an economic return to pay $ 99 per month!
I hear ya. Right now I'm only working with the $15 a month license until I feel I could make a good turn out. I still have a lot to learn in the terms of marketing a mobile game before I leap further in.