Still Using Bb2?

Discussion in 'Buildbox General Discussion' started by MAC420, Jan 14, 2020.

  1. MAC420

    MAC420 Avid Boxer

    May 2, 2018
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    Doing a little test here. If your still using BB2 like I am please leave a comment of why you have not moved on to BB3. I have 2 reasons 1. Not that interested in making 3D games 2. Have way too many projects going on in BB2 that can not be fully transferred to BB3... Yet.
    Coldwilson likes this.
  2. 33Shox

    33Shox Avid Boxer

    Nov 27, 2018
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    I only use bb2 to update my game.
    I'm not interested in 3d either but I'll use BB3 to make 2d games
    MAC420 likes this.
  3. MAC420

    MAC420 Avid Boxer

    May 2, 2018
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    I mean I'm building something in BB3 but, for the next year or so it's gonna be on the back burner for me. Cause I have so much going on in BB2 that needs to be finished first.
  4. Blackbird Games Studio

    Blackbird Games Studio Boxer

    Jan 15, 2019
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    If you are already having a lot of things running using BB2 then you must finish them on BB2, but for new games I believe all of us need to switch to BB3, just listing some reasons from the top of my head:
    1. Probably most of the new features will be implemented on BB3
    2. On the long run we will be building 3D games
    3. Using it will reveal the issues which in turn give the development team a better idea about the pain areas to fix faster (a community support approach)
    4. I tested briefly the 2D features on BB3 yesterday, this was my first run of BB3 and I believe it has a great potential versus BB2 features, actually now you can have something that is actually a 2D game with some 3D perspectives
    Of course we will probably be looking for a faster response regarding the found issues and perhaps more built in assets to use and although I still didn't check the new documentation but I believe some people were already complaining on the forum so probably more videos and better documentation

    Finally, I suggested long time ago to share the roadmap with the community or even better make a vote on the features/bugs which should help the dev team to prioritize their work based on their users needs
    MAC420 likes this.
  5. MAC420

    MAC420 Avid Boxer

    May 2, 2018
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    Well hopefully in a year it will be better doc, fixes, add-ons and tutorials. Maybe even some buy-able assets to make things a little easier but, we will see. I am how ever going to start learning and building what I can right now.
  6. 33Shox

    33Shox Avid Boxer

    Nov 27, 2018
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    I disagree.
    Not everyone wants to make 3d jumping balls :D .
    I hope BB team will focus more on the 2d as that is where the software my bias opinion
    RAGE Sonix, Jaro and MAC420 like this.
  7. MAC420

    MAC420 Avid Boxer

    May 2, 2018
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    RAGE Sonix and 33Shox like this.
  8. belmir

    belmir Avid Boxer

    Jun 29, 2018
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    hi all
    I always use bb2 I try to use my projects on bb3 but it does not work, because my projects these platform games which took me a lot of time so I can't adapt on bb3 on everything it's not the same logical that bb2 short ...
    you know if there are any updates from bb2 that fixes some bugs?
  9. Coldwilson

    Coldwilson Avid Boxer

    Dec 18, 2017
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    I fully agree on the original post and it's good to hear I'm not alone. I got BB2 2 years ago because it was so 2d focused and it was far simpler to develop on than anything else I'd seen (and I'd tried them all). Unity is powerful of course, but that also means a steep learning curve and it doesn't take long before complex coding is needed. I really have very little interest in 3d either to develop or play, but I admit some 3d games do look amazing.

    I still have maybe 3-6 months of work on BB2 and I have enough work re-testing when upgrading BB2 version to even contemplate moving away from BB2 for the project. So I've had to leave BB3 alone for now.

    My plan is to go full into BB3 but I'll still only want to work on 2d projects for the foreseeable future. I'm so glad they've added the 2d view for BB3 as I found working on the 3d view so much more work than simple 2d. The biggest draw for me are the nodes and possibility to code if I really need it. The constraints I've had to overcome on BB2 have been a real challenge that I hope can be overcome on BB3.
    MAC420 and 33Shox like this.

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