Hi There, I am trying to use the Set & Next checkpoint so that my character can go from one Level to next Once it completes going around the World & reaches "Next Checkpoint" it should jump to a random level Set Checkpoint - I have placed this right at the center as per instructions in the video below Issue : The character again starts at the same level instead of going to a random level Sample Game with Set & Next checkpoint implemented: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9rqa8rpwbfging3/Set , Next Check Point - World Jumper.bbdoc?dl=0 Youtube video explaining this process: I dont know what i am doing wrong, if you see the comments on this youtube video other people are facing this issue as well Any help will be greatly appreciated , as i have sent this issue to support a couple of weeks back, however no response from them I am using Version: 2.3.6 Satya