Secret behind GAMES!

Discussion in 'Game Marketing' started by hunttrader, Mar 25, 2016.

  1. bentforktech

    bentforktech Avid Boxer

    Oct 14, 2015
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    I have been downloading the top games for a while now and playing them. The only common thread with these games I can find is that there is no common thread. Each is different, each is unique, and all capitalize on a niche. Damn Daniel hit right at a trend, Color switch is the most frustrating game I have ever played and it made me play more because I sucked at it.

    For me I am working on creating a game like @Andy said that is polished and I want to play. But I think if I want to play it others will also. Then I will find a publisher to work with. I hope I can. The rest I will continue to work, listen, learn and be open to others ideas. This forum has taught me a lot when it comes to making games. Thanks guys.
  2. hunttrader

    hunttrader Boxer

    Mar 16, 2016
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    Thank you for good post :)

  3. hunttrader

    hunttrader Boxer

    Mar 16, 2016
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    Here in Sweden we have many games companies and they making really good games.

    But what I really dont understand that sometimes you see silly games coming up on the app store and when I see their keyword they dont have any good ASO keywords but they are on the top list!
  4. VectologyGames

    VectologyGames Serious Boxer

    Oct 5, 2015
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    It's a fluke, don't focus on those games. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
  5. convitza

    convitza Boxer

    Apr 4, 2016
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    Yeah, you're right!
    Before is Damn Daniel, and now is Trump on the Run, (and so on).
    These games are not even featured and I myself can delete these game after trying them since they're so boring.
    But we can't decline the truth, is that those games unfortunately make us (indie game developers) hurt so much :)
    And I myself can't stop asking: why? why? why!
  6. hunttrader

    hunttrader Boxer

    Mar 16, 2016
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    However I believe in secrets in this industry and maybe Black Hat ASO
  7. dimitri_michalakis

    dimitri_michalakis Boxer

    Dec 21, 2015
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    Same, there's definitely something going on around that we don't know about. I have no idea how the hell Color Dotz got up there. I remember one day I was looking through the top free games on the app store and there was some game I've never seen before by a japanese developer that was #1, then i check the app store again and it was no where on the top free at all.

    Also one thing I want to point out with that Trump Run game. It was published under Appnoxious. On April 3rd, I sent Appnoxious a video for an app I was working on where it was also about Trump on a hoverboard. He said he'll check it out but never got back to me after that. 2 weeks later Trump Run is up by him. So idk if he copied my idea, they're both pretty different though, or he was working on it already and it was a coincidence. Here's the video of my gameplay. I don't want to publish it cause people might think I copied THEM.

  8. convitza

    convitza Boxer

    Apr 4, 2016
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    @dimitri_michalakis I don't think they would think you copy the idea from them, since the game play is, I think, different :)
    Color Dotz is an tutorial of Buildbox on youtube, which I've seen when I'm learning BB. If you check the keywords by Appanie & SensorTower, there're only few and very common. There's a lot of ads in the game which isn't nice with UX, in my opinion.

    I'm watching top US everyday, one day, a game named Core Pop went to the top 1 of US store, which is publish by a Japanese publisher. And after few hours, it disappeared. I saw this kind of thing twice and all by japanese developers.
    This is incredible!! haha
  9. dimitri_michalakis

    dimitri_michalakis Boxer

    Dec 21, 2015
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    Yes that exactly the game lol Core Pop. It's crazy. The thing with Color Dotz though is I was reading the reviews and majority of the 5 star reviews seemed very fake and said stuff like "Hey I'm a real person. This game is amazing."
    convitza likes this.
  10. AppNasty

    AppNasty Miniboss Boxer

    Apr 14, 2016
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    ive spent the last few months getting my personal FB and a few FB pages i run, attention. more or less, build an audience yourself. RIght now, as of today, i get about 15 million views total. i havent even really began to promote my games and a few others which i published for. waiting for app page to have a well rounded amount of games. Just posted a video yesterday morning [random news], and within 24 hours it got about 4 million views. Ive tested posting my own etc, and people just share the mess out of it. My focus is now on buildbox, but before i knew of BB, my strategy to make money was the same, only lure people to 2 different websites of mine. On one FB page, Gotham City Citizens, i pitch my NerdGiftshop website. they are always like, wow where do i buy these cool batman clothes you posted? i use amazon affiliation, find em on amazon and add them to my nerd store. bam. My other site, TrollEmpire, where i post news etc, i just put google ads up. lol. Ive built big traffic so i need to pitch SOMETHING to them. now its going to be games. Hope this helps someone.
  11. Christoph

    Christoph Miniboss Boxer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    @OneHitGamer: What you describe would be a best case scenario. But unfortunately it is not as easy as you say. And by looking at your two facebook pages it seems you have your statistics a little bit off. ;)
    You posted April 20th an image with a link to your new game on and it had only 1 like and was not shared once. You basically have zero interaction of your user-base which (surprisingly) is almost at 5000 likes. BUT, and this is a big but, they all seem to be a) fake or b) rather not interested in what you are posting. Even with things related to Batman, there is mostly zero interaction. Can you show me the video with 4 million views? I simply can't find it. Actually, you say it was yesterday but there is no new post since April 21th. Am I looking at the wrong page?
    AppNasty likes this.
  12. AppNasty

    AppNasty Miniboss Boxer

    Apr 14, 2016
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    Lol no, the game I posted was a dead shot. Total views on gotham is around 8 million, coming from all videos and posts. With biggest being batman kid room setups at around 2 million by itself, which is what made the page shoot up. My personal profile amped up over last few months, with most videos over 100,000 to 500,000 round about. The video I mentioned that got 4 million in 24 hours, got yanked. Was of a woman leaving her baby in car while she shopped at gamestop. I took a screen shot of it when it just hit 2.5 mill yesterday, and early this morning is when it got yanked from fb. Like I said, besides a couple tester posts, I haven't promoted games because there isn't many up yet. I can get the hits which is all in the plan. That's easy. Just google onehitgamer. It's everywhere. Old site of mine about game hacking. Had 350,000 registered members and a few million viewers. But still is used everywhere. Which is why I continued to use onehitgamer as a's searchable. For me, my hits, and promotion efforts, will rise as soon as Google clears a small game I did for an author that I did some cover arts for over the years. Once he starts pitching it via Twitter and on radio talk shows etc. But yah, the 4 million views video got yanked a few hours ago....and I'm blocked from fb for 24 hours. Which sucks but whatever.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2016
    Christoph likes this.
  13. AppNasty

    AppNasty Miniboss Boxer

    Apr 14, 2016
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    Screenshot of when it just hit 2.5 mill. Was evening time yesterday. People are still talking about it on my profile. Some even posted questions about it to my page. Sucks it was yanked. Was bringing in alot of traffic for sure. Ill have others so i aint worried lol. This strategy works. It builds big audience. But the key is to also make a game that's eye candy. Hooks people. You make garbage games and no one's gonna pay attention. Build that audience and your chances of getting it hooked skyrockets.[​IMG]
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2016
  14. Christoph

    Christoph Miniboss Boxer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    As I see it, It had 2.5 mill but not on your site. You just shared a video from someone else which in total had this amount of views. Actually, there is not one video that is shared as much but has zero likes and zero Shares like seen in your screenshot. Of course I could be wrong, I often am.
  15. AppNasty

    AppNasty Miniboss Boxer

    Apr 14, 2016
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    Lol no its mine. Look at some others, few have about half a million. You have to remember buddy, we are talking about good strategies. I mentioned mine. What the hello kitty is the point of taking a screen of someone else post? Lmao. Anyways, yah man, I go through this regularly. See the elvis video I posted...I've got it to almost 1 mill. Hustle hustle hustle. Build that crowd. Just yesterday over 900 friend requests. (That was because of the 4 mill video) the strategy works. I haven't even mentioned how much money I've made doing other things. Artworks, designs, menus, logos is my biggest. Making logos for sites and businesses etc. I'm just mentioning how now, I can utilize this traffic for games. And you guys can do the same thing.

    Edit: I've often noticed that alot of Gotham posts get like, 60,000 shares and 17 likes. Or backwards, 5,000 likes and 800 shares. Even on my own profile, the elvis video is like this....has a horde of people commenting, almost 1 million views...and only a few thousand likes. It seems....random to me. I dunno. Look for yourself.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2016
  16. AppNasty

    AppNasty Miniboss Boxer

    Apr 14, 2016
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    Here's some examples. I don't know why some wilh have high views but only get little likes. Or alot more likes and just barely even higher views. I pitched a kid named alexs game...nothing. these videos where child related so obviously that's the hook to why they get attention. But explaining their likes to views ratio is beyond me. Then theres the gotham post, which this one has been "seen" 1.2 million times. I tried to figure out the hook. It seems anything kid related...gets attention. Make kids games maybe? Lol. Either way. The traffic is there. now it's figuring out how to utilize them for games.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Sporty and miguelnievas like this.
  17. ASOtop1

    ASOtop1 Boxer

    Jul 18, 2016
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    The secret behind game marketing is creating a quality app and effective promotion methods! Only a quality app will finally attract and retain users, only througn effective promotion your app can reach more users.

    App store optimization is the most effective way to promote your app,it's a process of optimizing your app so that your app ranks higher than before and becomes more visible to users.

    For better rankings you will need to take the following steps.
    Titles and the keywords - The keyword is the most important thing when it comes to making your app visible in the top of the search results. It is always advised to include the keyword in the title. Carefully choose your keywords before you enter them to insure that every possible combination is available to your potential customers. Here are some tips on optimizing your keywords.
    • You need to use commas not spaces - Omitting the spaces will save you another thing apart from appearing as a lengthy keyword: The spaces are counted as characters, but commas are not.
    • Omit the connectors and save some spaces - There are few words which are known as connectors: a, of, the, and, to, for, etc. There is no need to use these words while mentioning your keywords. It is very much useful to omit them and use them for some more keywords.
    • Use digits not words - Do not use words to mention a number, use the number instead, this will mean the same for the app stores.
    • Repetition is not good for app store keyword ranking.
    • Think and use short keywords - If you choose a long keyword it will give you exposure for that keyword only, but if you can choose 2 keywords of the same accumulative length then it will give you more exposure to the search results.
    • Plurals can be used for App store optimization.
    Description -Another huge contributing factor of successful app store optimization is the app description. One important thing to keep in mind is to make the description short and informative including all the important points and keywords. A detailed description will insure that you get the right traffic for optimum exposure.

    High ratings and good reviews - Reviews and ratings, as two important signs of user experience, are the most important factors checked by apple stores, which not only help to boost app stores ranking, but also help to attract new users. You can guide your users to leave feedback on your app, or you can get app reviews and ratings from third parties, like reviewapp4u, it will not cost your too much, but contribute to boost your app ranking.

    Choose the right Category
    Most apps can fit into a number of different categories and so you will need to decide which one yours will rank in. By making the right choice you can significantly improve your rankings.

    Update your App Regularly - This will improve your app ranking, meanwhile, this will improve the user experience.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2017

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