[please Read] Buildbox Must Need To Export Free To Android And Ios!

Discussion in 'Buildbox General Discussion' started by Yasins, Sep 10, 2020.


how many people are agree with this?

  1. Yes we need free to export

    2 vote(s)
  2. No let it be

    4 vote(s)
  1. Yasins

    Yasins Boxer

    Mar 12, 2020
    Likes Received:
    So after like 1 year or more i started back to learn buildbox , i downloaded new version and when i try to export its says you need to upgrade to export to devices
    i am student and i can't afford $19.99/month to export to devices.
    i am sure a lots of people has same problems and i am also sure people will stop using Buildbox for this.
    @Sean Buildbox i request you to please let us export to device by not upgrading. yes you can stop us by placing ad and other features.
    Thank you
    redhouanee likes this.
  2. Marclb

    Marclb Boxer

    Jul 20, 2020
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    I don't work for Buildbox and I am just giving you my opinion based on your suggestion.

    If they were to imperilment what you suggested, how would they make money to pay employees and keep the software updated? I don't know what you're majoring in, but this should be common sense.

    The better solution would be to ask them for student discounts. That I think is reasonable and can actually be a win win for everyone.
    Vlad-NY likes this.
  3. Yasins

    Yasins Boxer

    Mar 12, 2020
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    i understand this thats why i said above[you can stop us by placing ad and other features] or they can add watermark or anything , for learning purpose paying 19.99/ is not good for us bcs to learn this it takes time
    Vlad-NY likes this.
  4. Vlad-NY

    Vlad-NY Serious Boxer

    Jul 21, 2018
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    I agree with you. mobile export should be paid or at least free up to a x profit range. they need to develop this engine and sustain themselves so there's no place for freebies. The idea behind the free version is to get used to the engine, try to make a PC based game and when you know how to use it invest. If you are making a successful game then the annual fee can be paid in the first week of success. If they remove this option and provide free mobile export then the stores will be flooded with bad games thing that happens every day.

    I might be a hater for the above statement but I was in your place 4 years ago or so and I spent time to learn the engine using whatever I could back in the time and now I have the pro version and I made enough to sustain the subscription.
    Yasins likes this.
  5. Sean Buildbox

    Sean Buildbox Serious Boxer

    Sep 24, 2015
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    We're unlikely to add mobile export to the Free Buildbox option at this time. We are however always evaluating new pricing options and trying to give the best value our business can offer to our users. We appreciate the feedback.
    Yasins likes this.
  6. Yasins

    Yasins Boxer

    Mar 12, 2020
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    ok well still i will not go to another engine bcs i love BB and i will wait for the best price for students. till i will try to learn without exporting
  7. Jaro

    Jaro Avid Boxer

    Sep 21, 2018
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    Almost all companies that rely on subscription have free versions that allow the new user to get acquainted with the environment. You can create a game on it and decide if it is what you need. This is what the free versions are all about. If the free version had the option to export it, it would not be fair for, for example, Pro users.
  8. jcalle

    jcalle Miniboss Boxer

    Sep 25, 2015
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    Your request doesn't make much sense.
    It is as if I say that a Tesla is very expensive, that they lower the price, that I am already advertising Tesla for taking their car.
    As a student, you will be studying to be able to work in the future and earn a salary, not to work for free.
    Everything has a price, if you can't afford to pay what you want, fight to get it, don't expect someone to help you get it.
  9. SAvas

    SAvas Boxer

    Jun 12, 2018
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    İf mobile exports will be free, many people build very basic and copy games with Buildbox and BB's Brand effected for this. 19$ good prica. I say just maybe pro version's price should be 25-35 dollars. İf BB dont earn money, they cant upgrade BB.

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