Particle Effect Does Not Work With Spawners

Discussion in 'Technical Discussion' started by itzonator, Mar 28, 2018.


Have you used spawners?

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  1. itzonator

    itzonator Serious Boxer

    Dec 18, 2017
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    I attached a particle effect to a moving object (linked). The object is moving upwards and the particle effect suppose to show behind the object at -90 degree angle (downwards). Now, when I WAKE UP the object and set the speed on the Y direction to 3, the particle effect works beautifully. However, when I add a permanent spawner and set it to any value in seconds, the particle effect does not show up.

    Is that a Buildbox bug, or there's a way around? Usually particle effect works for me on moving objects, but not on spawners.

    Please advice,
  2. ZackGriset

    ZackGriset Avid Boxer

    Oct 3, 2017
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    Hey @itzonator, did you try throwing the particle emitter into the animation using the animation editor and seeing if it spawns correctly that way? That could work for you.
  3. itzonator

    itzonator Serious Boxer

    Dec 18, 2017
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    Hey Zack, the particle emitter is linked to a spawning object. I cannot throw or spawn the emitter itself. The particle emitter works only when I disable or remove the spawner component of that object. The falling object is not an animation, it's a still object (just a single png file).

    When I have the object on the Y direction to 3, the emitter works. Once I enable the spawner component, the emitter is simply not executing.

    When trying to add the particle emitter in the animation editor along with the object, I got the following error: Linked objects cannot be added into animations.
  4. ZackGriset

    ZackGriset Avid Boxer

    Oct 3, 2017
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    Is it possible to unlink the object before adding it to the animation? Also, I think it's fine that the falling object is a single png file. I think you should still be able to throw a particle emitter in there. Check out this video and let me know if it helps:

    itzonator likes this.
  5. itzonator

    itzonator Serious Boxer

    Dec 18, 2017
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    Wow, you created a video to address this question. I feel honored. :)

    Yes, this is exactly what I was trying to do. In your way of doing it, I am limited to use that particle object for that particular purpose only. I cannot re-use the same object, because I do not need it to have particles all the time for later use.

    See, to do this from Animation Editor is a bit outside the box, since I've been taught to link Particle Emitters to characters and objects directly from the scenes and that's what I did. But I was surprised that this worked for any axis velocities, but not for spawners. Any idea why this emitter is not showing when activated spawner?

    Here's what I did:

    I just wanted to create "permanent spawner" for that platform, instead of just showing up once. The way I did this was to link 3 particle emitters (yellow ones) to the rock with "Send to Back" option. It creates this cool flying effect.
  6. ZackGriset

    ZackGriset Avid Boxer

    Oct 3, 2017
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    haha it's no big deal. I wanted to help and I'm a super visual guy :D

    "Yes, this is exactly what I was trying to do. In your way of doing it, I am limited to use that particle object for that particular purpose only. I cannot re-use the same object, because I do not need it to have particles all the time for later use."

    Well, why don't you just have two of the same objects and use one for when you need a particle emitter and have the other one without the particle emitter. Same kind of thing I did in my video where I just made a duplicate and then stuck the particle emitter in with the duplicate. I still have the original to use if I don't need or want a particle emitter showing.

    Spawning connected objects is tricky. I don't think we designed it so that you could spawner objects that are connected in a scene. Definitely the way you want to do it is throwing it into the Animation Editor. Sometimes you gotta think outside the buildbox. ;)

    Cool game! Yeah I totally think you can have that platform object set up so you have two of them in your menu bar to the left and one has the particle emitters you want and the other is just a plain ol platform object with not emitter.

    Let me know if this will work for ya!
  7. itzonator

    itzonator Serious Boxer

    Dec 18, 2017
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    @ZackGriset, oh yes, I saw that immediately. I re-produced successfully the spawner's effect with the emitters from the Animation Editor. It worked. Thank you for the way around ;-)
    ZackGriset likes this.
  8. ZackGriset

    ZackGriset Avid Boxer

    Oct 3, 2017
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    Heck yes! Okay awesome man. Just so ya know. I'm also looking into the speed boost question you asked. Putting something together for ya
  9. itzonator

    itzonator Serious Boxer

    Dec 18, 2017
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    All right, it's getting excited ;-)
    ZackGriset likes this.

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