Was just wondering how they were able to have the main menu contain the player/remember what character the player had selected, and was also wondering how they were able to achieve a "How to play screen" with the character you had previously selected. Thanks in advance!
My guess is that they are showing a World and not a UI. Maybe there are other ways of doing it, but you can e.g. have an empty first screen of the game which has an event observer checking if the user has a total of 0 points, and if that's the case forwards to a world which shows the player in action, but makes it look like a normal menu screen. Then you would get the last selected player and the ability to click to play.
Thanks so much for the reply, I understand what you mean by the world instead of the UI which is very smart, but I'm a little confused who to set up an observer to set a character to what the player picked, and to have it animated at the same time