Is it possible to make a character fall back to the ground gradually when a button is held? I am able to get the character to float upwards with gravity settings but there does not seem to be a way to get them back down.
As I understand you have a positive Y value for the gravitation so your physics objects including the character goes up instead of down? I guess then you need to have the jump force as a negative Y so when you "jump" it will go down...
@trudnai Do you know if it's possible to make a character fall or come down for a prolonged time while holding a button?
Yes, you can achieve that either with the jump force and giving a big jump timeout or you can use the move down button...
@trudnai What would be a good jump timeout amount to use? I have used the move down button before and it never did anything. Thanks.
Thanks so much for the info @trudnai I just messed around with the jump timeout amounts and it seems like it all works out.