Lost Connection To 'iphone'

Discussion in 'Technical Discussion' started by Laurence, Jan 12, 2017.

  1. Laurence

    Laurence Boxer

    Oct 14, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Hi guys.

    I'm trying to wrap up my first game w/ BB and I'm having some small problems trying to test it. in BB, the game works fairly OK, but when I'm trying to test it on my devices (iPhone 4S, iPad mini) I get an error in Xcode: Lost connection to 'iPhone/iPad'. It loads the Start screen then before loading the Main Menu, it crashes, with the mentioned error in Xcode.
    I found on some forums that it might be a font/image size issue so I tried resizing all the images under 1024, but still having the same issue.
    Also, while testing on simulators in Xcode, the game's speed is really slow (around 10, opposed to 80, the game's normal speed)
    Anyone has any clue what might be the issue here? I'm not really sure what am I missing.

    Thanks a lot for your help
  2. Christoph

    Christoph Miniboss Boxer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    Xcode simulator does not work with games. That's normal. Regarding the crash, it could be related to a bad cable (dis)connecting your device or what's more possible you have too many images/atlases and or images too big. Your devices are old and it's difficult to run a Buildbox game on them. Games that do work have normally 2 atlases or less. Optimize the hell out of your game. Players will appreciate it.
    Laurence and playsgames6666 like this.
  3. Laurence

    Laurence Boxer

    Oct 14, 2016
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    Christoph, that was such a brilliant suggestion. Can't thank you enough for it. I had a gazillion atlases before and after optimizing them, got left with only 10. That definitely fixed the issue and now it works like a charm both on an iPhone 4s and an iPad mini. still lots of polishing to do, but the fact that it's working gives me confidence. Lots of it.
    I appreciate your tips. They really helped. Can't wait to share the finished game.
    Thanks again so much and all the best!
    Christoph likes this.

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