Using the latest version of Buildbox and working on a default portrait game. When I look at the game on an iPhoneX the character gets cut off because of the left & right platform settings. I know I can change these to see the entire character so it does not cut off the outside edge but doing that of course then cuts into the live field screen area on other device screens. I am sure that I am not the only one that has noticed this and wondering how others have dealt with it. Have they developed everything based on it looking and working best on the iPhone X, or are they using the Iphone 5 preview in BuildBox as a development guide for screen display. FYI the app displays and works perfect on my Iphone 7+, and on the 6S. ( character not cut off ).- I don't think you are able to submit different xcode files for the same app based on device sizes so seems you have to try and boogie something together that sort of works across all devices so wondering how others have dealt with this. I do not have an iPhoneX so not sure if the preview in BuildBox is showing me what an actual device would look like but I am assuming that its probably correct and the character is getting cut off some on the iPhone X on the left, and right sides. - Do you just live with it? See snapshot enclosed. Thanks to anyone that takes the time to read and reply. I
Andy- thank you, my brother, I think that might have solved the issue, running through the preview now and testing it but looks to be the solution. - thanks much.
Hmmm - me thinks me spoke to soon, not sure that setting the screen adjustment to "Fit To Width" ( or Height for that matter ) solves the issue. The game playing field looks ok in the preview mode but when you land on the other screens like Game Over, etc. Playing with it now, will post back to let you, and others know if it solves the issue or what I needed to do in addition to this.
On Game Over UI's play around with each elements Stick To Edge setting. The positioning can be affected for the better (or worse) by checking this box.
yup actually doing that now and playing with the background scale size on those screens as well. - seems I can get it perfect on some devices then when checking on another it is off. Thinking it will do-able , or livable but going to take some time to figure it out and tweak.
yeah if you've done all of the things above then ultimately its positioning of elements to get everything aligned on each device size. iPhone X / iPhone all others / iPad (not including Android devices too). Some compromises may have to be made to get everything playing together. And never mind the $#%*@#$& iPhone X notch!!
Hi there! I'm going through the exact same problem: fit height / width does not apply to other UI screens. Just wondering if you found an optimal background size? Thanks
@AndyG @Andy How can we adjust the screen with the notch feature. All the new mobiles are coming with this feature
Not exactly sure what you mean but basically you have to position any elements to avoid that part of the screen!
It's hard to get it perfect but the best way that I know is to go with the tablet size, it works the best on the other devices