How To Run Facebook Ads Campaign!

Discussion in 'Advertising' started by harislatif, Jan 25, 2017.


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  1. harislatif

    harislatif Avid Boxer

    Oct 8, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Yeah there is a way!but please read it carefully if any step is missing there maybe a lot of issues!
    Thanks for reading!

    Step-by-Step Guide
    1. Login to Facebook
    Before creating a developer account, login in to your Facebook account.

    Login to Facebook
    2. Developer Account
    You'll need Facebook developer account to get started. If you don't have one upgrade your personal Facebook account to a Facebook Developer account now. Skip this step, if you already have a developer account.

    Create Developer Account
    3. Create new Facebook app
    Choose Apps in the header navigation and select Add a New App or use the button below.

    Create new Facebook App
    4. Choose Platform
    Choose the platform you want to add. If your app is on multiple platforms, you'll be able to add them to your Facebook app later.

    5. Choose a Name
    Choose a name for your app and select Create New Facebook App ID. Choose a category for your app. If you're creating a test version of an existing Facebook app, select the app you're testing.

    6. Follow "Quick Start" Steps
    The quick start wizard will help you to set up your Facebook app for the selected platform. You can come back to the quick start wizard at a later time to either continue your setup or add a new platform to your app.

    7. App ID
    Your app will have a unique app ID. You will use this ID whenever you use one of our SDKs or Open Graph tags for sharing. You can find your app ID in your app's dashboard.

    8. Protect your App Secret
    Facebook auto-generates an app secret associated with your application. The application secret authenticates requests made by your application to Facebook servers and should be treated like a password.

    Do not output your Facebook application secret in your webpage markup; be careful when committing files containing this value into source control software such as a public Git or Subversion repository.

    9. Contact Email
    You need to add a contact email for each app. Go to your app's dashboard and select the navigation item Settings in the left sidebar and provide a valid contact email.

    10. App Details
    Select the App Details on the left sidebar to view and add additional information about your app.

    If you want your app to be listed in app center, turn on the App Center Listed Platform setting for your website or mobile site. Add icons, promotional images, and videos. Make sure to follow the App Center Guidelines to be approved for listing in App Center.

    11. Disable Development Mode
    New Facebook apps exist in development mode by default. This limits published actions and related objects such as friend tagging to Facebook Timelines owned by a developer of the application.

    Once your application is ready for public use you can switch from development mode to public mode to allow your app to interact with Facebook accounts not associated with your app.


    Next part is lengthy,so please be careful:
    For every information go to:

    You just need to go to that link and you will get every answer how to implement for iOS,android and other and even some other cool features which I would recon such as deep linking.

    So guys I hope will love this and I personally do agree with Facebook ads cause for just 60SAR($15)I got 125,000+ visitors and 200+likes,and yeah most of them were around 13-25 years old!

    Attached Files:
    Jaky1 likes this.
  2. Jaky1

    Jaky1 Serious Boxer

    Aug 22, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Thanks for the share man.

    I meant to ask from where were the 125k visitors. I mean mainly which matters the most is USA then UK Canada and big countries like that. And I don't think its possible to get 125k in just $15 from tier 1 countries like above.
  3. wesam_badr

    wesam_badr Miniboss Boxer

    Oct 10, 2015
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    is the 125k just impression right how many installs did you get
  4. harislatif

    harislatif Avid Boxer

    Oct 8, 2016
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    Man mostly all were from these countries specially india and bangladesh a lot and than US AND ELSE!US, ZA, CN, GB, AE, BR, SA, PK, IN, RU, DE, FR, ES, NE, JP, BD, DZ, EG, TR, MA.(All are short forms i think everyone knows that)
    Jaky1 likes this.
  5. Jaky1

    Jaky1 Serious Boxer

    Aug 22, 2016
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    Hmm means from overall the world. How many installs did you get? did you targeted people of interest in games only?
  6. harislatif

    harislatif Avid Boxer

    Oct 8, 2016
    Likes Received:
    i didnt get much installs cause i did not embedded the facebook sdk in this one and so i was not able t create cost per install campaign whvih could be as low as $0.06 per install,yes i targeted for games!
  7. harislatif

    harislatif Avid Boxer

    Oct 8, 2016
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    @wesam_badr and @Jaky1 I got like 30 or 40 installs,good but the users were not playing my game after opening one time cause my game was really trash it was just a test game tough!
    Jaky1 likes this.
  8. Jaky1

    Jaky1 Serious Boxer

    Aug 22, 2016
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    harislatif likes this.
  9. heathclose

    heathclose Miniboss Boxer

    Jan 28, 2016
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    @harislatif did you put facebook analytics into your bb game?
  10. harislatif

    harislatif Avid Boxer

    Oct 8, 2016
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    No I didn't use that but if in Facebook you want to run cost per install campaigns than I think u need to add put that also otherwise for cost per install campaign only what is mentioned in post above is needed!
    @heathclose I hope this helped u!
  11. Rainyday

    Rainyday Avid Boxer

    Nov 21, 2016
    Likes Received:
    First of all thank you for bringing this up ...

    I have two questions for you since you said that you tried this .

    1- how to add facebook sdk to eclipse since when i download it has ( aar) files .. although i tried to import them as new existing android files but it doesnt show the main facebook sdk file .?!?!?

    2- do i need to implent anything else than the facebook analytics and the deep link in order to run an add for my game ???

    Could you just explain those alittle more since you are the only one in this forum who said he tried them ... iam sure many people tried them but they didnt explain how !!

    Any one wana who has extra information plz dont hesitate to share ... thank you all !

    @heathclose @harislatif @Phill Mason @Phillip Kung @Andy
  12. Rainyday

    Rainyday Avid Boxer

    Nov 21, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Dont worry about it ....
    I just figured Out a way which helps me do what i need in 1 minute ...
    I will be sharing it soon
    harislatif and ramiucef like this.
  13. harislatif

    harislatif Avid Boxer

    Oct 8, 2016
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    First of all I'm happy that you found it useful!
    Second here is what you want to do for,

    1.)how to add facebook sdk to eclipse since when i download it has ( aar) files .. although i tried to import them as new existing android files but it doesnt show the main facebook sdk file .?!?!?

    Step 1. Import to Eclipse
    First of all, download the latest version of SDK (on current moment it is 4.0). Unzip it to a folder.

    Open Eclipse, click the right mouse button in "PackageExplorer" and choose "Import". After that, go to "Android" -> "Existing Android Code Into Workspace".


    Now click "Browse" and choose unzipped SDK folder, and deselect all other found projects, except from the "facebook" (it is an SDK). Other included projects are just samples, and you don't need them now.


    You may select "copy project to workspace" checkbox, if you need this.

    Step 2. Fixing errors
    After importing, we will see, that the whole facebook SDK package are in errors:


    But if we look closer, and open one of marked as error classes, we will find, that SDK tried to importsupport.v4 library:


    It required for properly compilation. You can find instructions how to download it using Android SDK Managerhere.

    After it downloading, you can find it in your Android sdk folder: <sdk>/extras/android/support/v4. Then add it to the facebook SDK project: right mouse click on SDK project -> "Properties" -> "Java Build Path" -> "Libraries" -> "Add External JARs", and choose android-support-v4.jar from it's folder.

    [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG]

    After that a lot of errors will be gone:


    But, there are other errors. So we are going to another class, and found it error code piece. Move mouse pointer on it, and Eclipse will show you the hint, of what kind of error you are facing. It says that your compliance Java must be version 1.7. Allow Eclipse do it by clicking "Change project ...", or do it manually by going to "Properties" -> "Java Complier" -> "Compiler compilance level" -> "1.7".




    Moving ahead. Now we are facing only one kind of error, that says that the FB SDK can't find required Bolts Android library.


    We are going to google, found it compiled jar in a repository. Choose the latest version (for current moment it's 1.2.0, but SDK gradle file is using 1.1.4, so you may choose that), and download the jar. Now add it to the facebook SDK as external lib, as we do it before.


    Voila! Ther are no errors anymore!


    Also don't forget to set in the facebook SDK project "Properties" -> "Android", that it is a Library.


    Just for ensurance, close/re-open the SDK project and clean it ("Eclipse menu" -> "Project" -> "Clean"), so all files can build properly.

    Step 3. Add it to the Android project
    Now you can try to add it to your Android app. Go to your Android app project "Properties" -> "Android" -> "Library" -> "Add", and choose facebook SDK.


    Follow official tutorial, and set up your Android application project (don't forget to add all required elements to Manifest.xml). Than you can use this tutorial to add LoginButton to your Activity. Try to build it. It should run without problem.


    2:)Do i need to implent anything else than the facebook analytics and the deep link in order to run an add for my game ???
    Ans=No,even deep linking is an optional feature to add otherwise only facebook sdk with analytics in it is required!

    I hope my advice helps you a lot!
    Rainyday likes this.
  14. harislatif

    harislatif Avid Boxer

    Oct 8, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Oh good i hope you find a correct way and if its different from my one than dont hesitate to share with us!
    Best of Luck!
  15. Rainyday

    Rainyday Avid Boxer

    Nov 21, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Thank you for sharing this ..

    And yes my way is totally different and it takes exactly 60 seconds to setup facebook ads with download button ... i will share it soon !
  16. Rainyday

    Rainyday Avid Boxer

    Nov 21, 2016
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    It just need a nice tutorial which will take a few days for me to do it because iam busy a little bit .
  17. harislatif

    harislatif Avid Boxer

    Oct 8, 2016
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    No wait but is Facebook sdk and analytics in it?or not because including that is must for running cost per download Facebook campaign!
  18. Rainyday

    Rainyday Avid Boxer

    Nov 21, 2016
    Likes Received:
    It has something similar to that
  19. ramiucef

    ramiucef Avid Boxer

    Oct 3, 2015
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    Share with us :)
  20. Rainyday

    Rainyday Avid Boxer

    Nov 21, 2016
    Likes Received:
    very soon for sure iam just finishing tutorial !

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