How Do I Make This Game? My Big Fishy.

Discussion in 'How Can I...?' started by Lockdown Gaming, Jun 17, 2017.

  1. Lockdown Gaming

    Lockdown Gaming Boxer

    Jun 11, 2017
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    Hello fellow Boxers, I have just recently Began using Buildbox, I've only built two apps. So I was hoping for some help!

    Before I began making my own apps I had a guy from Upwork develop an app, it's called My Big Fishy.

    I was trying to figure out a way to duplicate how it's played, the concept is simple so I figured someone would know how to make it.

    The link is right here for Andriod, it's also on IOS.

    You basically tap the fish tank for coins, then buy fish food from the shop, and then you feed the fish, he levels up, and grows into a new fish. Eventually you get bigger tanks and end game you get a Blue Whale in an ocean.

    I was wanting to recreate it because it has received 7 thousand downloads on IOS and I would like the ability to edit the game myself, as I know no code!

    Thanks for the help!

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