Hello, i'm new in BB i hope someone can help me. Is there a function like: this->scene().showScoreCoins() to get the current ScoreCoins value or is there only the addScoreCoins function available. I want to calculate some variables depend on the ScoreCoins. Thank you.
this.scene.currentPoints(0); this.scene.bestPoints(0); this.scene.totalPoints(0); this.scene.currentGlobalPoints(0); this.scene.bestGlobalPoints(0); this.scene.totalGlobalPoints(0);
Thank you this is for Points :/. Can you help me i can't get the value with -> this.scene.totalCoins(0);
@particles Where can i find the Documentation? I have only this link -> http://download.buildbox.com/buildbox/assets/documentation/api-
Currently as for coins there's only one method to get coins: this.scene().coins() We actually did just add in some newer functions for the next update that will work as well like: currentCoins, bestCoins, totalCoins, currentGlobalCoins, bestGlobalCoins and totalGlobalCoins so more will be accessible