Feature Request

Discussion in 'Buildbox General Discussion' started by mykodagames, Oct 17, 2015.


Feature request: ability to add more than one collider to an object

  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. kodagames

    kodagames Avid Boxer

    Oct 11, 2015
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    Im not sure why the feature request is locked to only customers because you could be missing out on ideas from users who are doing the 30 day challenge with that said...

    Feature request:
    The ability to add more than one collider to an object for example a circle and a square or 2 squares. The reason for this request is that using the convex collider you cannot match the shapes you want for objects in your game. This would allow creation of more complex shapes for levels etc..

    Well thats my feature request anyone else that thinks this is a good request option please post (vote) yay (yes) or ney (no).

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