As our projects are getting bigger the need for a "delete unused models" and "delete unused graphics" should be found in the same place as the "delete unused sound files" Or is it already there? whenever i go to delete a model or graphic it's locked... what am i missing. I really need to do some housekeeping on my project.
Hilarious.... I just found it. Go to : view> Atlasses> Optimize Please can this also go next to the "delete unused sounds" in that drop down... I'd have found it way sooner as i don't really know what atlasses are..... well I do now.... obviously.... but i didn't.... I clicked optomise and it deleted 93 sprites!!!
You can remove manually by clicking lock/unlock icon of respective Mesh in Mesh Manager and close window. 1. Open Mesh Manager 2. Click the lock icon to unlock 3. Close Mesh Manager 4. Open again and you wont see that unlocked mesh. It worked in previous builds of Beta. I am not sure it is working in the latest beta build.