I did some looking around and was trying to figure out if I had to have a mac to post to the App Store. I haven't purchased a developers account yet - luckily because there's no way I can afford a mac at the moment.
You can download a virtual mac and run it in your pc if its powerful enough. It doesn't need to be super fast but a virtual mac will be slow. Macincloud is where you rent a virtual mac online - but if you aren't looking to long term rent, you will need to download Apples fussy certificates each time you create a new virtual macincloud machine.
How powerful are you talking? I only have a Lenovo Laptop. It's a G50-45 if you want to search specs.
Yeah it will run slow on an i3 with 2.0ghz but it will work. You will just need to be patient as the rainbow wheel does its thing.
You can also buy a brand new Mac Mini for around $450 or hunt for something used one... You do not need a beefy one, just something that does the job for you. And who knows, you try it once and like myself never what to go back to Windows anymore