Amount of scenes in a game

Discussion in 'Buildbox General Discussion' started by ruhm64, Dec 8, 2015.

  1. ruhm64

    ruhm64 Avid Boxer

    Oct 11, 2015
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    Hey everybody,
    I have yet to find if there is a straight answer on how many scenes a game should be. I have 3 finished which have an average of 100 scenes, initial launch - before any updates. They run about 1300 in length. It seems like a lot but when you look at other games, like Candy Crush (which is nothing like mine), it seems endless. I may have missed the best way to make an endless game in the 30-day challenge but I like the end game feeling. I like to think of ways to make a decent end of the game until the next update which I treat like levels. Hopefully we get a Boss setting. I know all of you want to chime in on this. Please do! I would like to get other builders thoughts.

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