Hey Guys, I have finished about 70% of my first game, and now I'm thinking about advertising. At first I did not want to integrate any advertising. But it looks like every buildbox user, use advertising in there app- So it looks like you can earn some extra bugs with it. I have already looked at some homepages of Chartboost, Admob, Revmob, Heyzap.. and also in this forum. But some things are not quite clear to me.: - Which advertising is the simplest to integrate into buildbox? (I have seen, heyzap is quite difficult) - Pay all bidders only if the app in the advertising is downloaded by the user? (Maybe I am different, But I've never downloaded an app in my life through an advertisement- I can not imagine that one deserves money with it) - Can i show video-ads when i only use Interstitial? (I only read about vidos ads with heyzap and getting coins) What I have seen so far is Revmob and Chartboost the easiest way to show Advertising in my app, or i'm wrong? Thank's for sharing your experience Kind Regard's
I think the easiest thing is Admob. Admob allows you to configure only video or images in advertising.