A New Marketplace For Buildbox Templates & Services - Sharktemplate

Discussion in 'Promotional' started by GoldenBoy, Sep 16, 2020.

  1. GoldenBoy

    GoldenBoy Boxer

    Dec 11, 2016
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    Hello everyone!

    My name is Mo and I am the founder of the new marketplace called SharkTemplate. We are 4 members in total dedicating our time to this marketplace.

    Before I announce the big news related to my marketplace, I would like to share my own personal experience with Buildbox. It all started back in 2017, I was still in College and I seriously had no idea where my career would be heading. I was in Human Science but this wasn't really the route I wanted to pick. I know I had a "special thing" with mobile games because I was a heavy gamer my entire life haha!

    Anyways, I don't really remember how I found out about Buildbox (probably Google) but I was extremely hooked with the idea of creating mobile games with absolutely no coding or whatsoever. I tried other non-coding engines but there was always some sort of coding involved.

    I remember giving it a try and subscribing to their old plan of $99 per month at that time. Let me tell you since that time, my life changed for the better! 1 year later, I was able to make a full-time income with mobile games thanks to Buildbox. I will not be able to share in extreme details how I did it (It can be over 60+ pages haha). But in general, let me tell you that I was able to mainly sell a lot of my services related to mobile games thanks to Buildbox once again. Buildbox gave me this freedom of being an indie entrepreneur without having to worry about any coding issues. And I really am grateful to them for creating such an amazing software.
    This small introduction is important for me to share because I truly believe Buildbox is the future of the mobile gaming industry.

    Like I said in my introduction, I am an avid lover to Buildbox so I decided to create a friendly marketplace where boxers can buy/sell their services and game templates. Now, I am sure some of you will tell me that there is hundreds of similar marketplaces, why go with another one? Because I truly believe I implemented some very nice features that you will not be finding in others:
    • Boxers can communicate together via inbox/chat. They can also upload files.
    • Boxers can shape their profile picture with very cool features so their store looks unique.
    • Boxers can send custom requests to sellers and sellers can either approve or decline.
    • Boxers can request a specific project and the notification will instantly go to the seller's email
    • Boxers can sell/buy buildbox services. Let's say per example you know how to integrate OneSignal with Buildbox. You can offer this service to the Buildbox Community.
    • Boxers can sell/buy their buildbox game templates. We added the 2D/3D categories.
    • Boxers can buy/sell custom logos (512*512 for Android and 1024*1024 for iOS).
    • Each week, we will be picking one Buildbox template and reviewing it in our blogs section.
    • & much more exciting features that we will be adding based on your feedback!
    We know how frustrating this can be when the commission fee is high for all the hard work you've put into the service/template. So we decided to go with a cool ranking system that will encourage everyone:
    1. When you register, you can instantly get the Verified Badge that will appear next to your name. 35% commission for all new arrivals.
    2. Bronze Badge: 30% commission - Earn $400 to be eligible
    3. Silver Badge: 25% commission - Earn $1,000 to be eligible
    4. Gold Badge: 20% commission - Earn $4,500 to be eligible
    5. Super Seller Badge: 10% commission - Manually added by our staff for a promotional event
    As you can see, these badges will not be hard to obtain. And each of these badges come with other great benefits. For more information about the other benefits, click here.

    SharkTemplate is ready to invest in the Buildbox movement/vision and I can't wait to talk with boxers around the world.
    I really believe this marketplace can only improve for the better based on the community's feedback. Buildbox was created for people to create amazing things and of course make some money with the software. Selling game templates and services is definitely one of the ways to make money with Buildbox =)

    We can't wait to see boxers join us and you can reach out to us anytime through: support@sharktemplate.com

    Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day!
    Website: https://sharktemplate.com

    I think a relationship is like a shark. It has to constantly move forward or it dies
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2020
    33Shox, Sean Buildbox and ramiucef like this.
  2. ramiucef

    ramiucef Avid Boxer

    Oct 3, 2015
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    Interesting, I will take a look and give my honest review of the SharkTemplate market, which already seems like a great service for Buildbox users. keep it posted ;)
    GoldenBoy likes this.
  3. GoldenBoy

    GoldenBoy Boxer

    Dec 11, 2016
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    Glad to have you in our marketplace! We can’t wait to hear back your honest review which we will definitely take into consideration :)

  4. Charan

    Charan Boxer

    Sep 15, 2020
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