a few different bugs i came across with beta 5.....

Discussion in 'Technical Discussion' started by guttaavestudios, Apr 13, 2016.

  1. guttaavestudios

    guttaavestudios Boxer

    Feb 2, 2016
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    1.When I change the color hue and save it crashes the game
    2.kill all enemies works only for what's on the screen at the time you touch the power up not for the length that's set
    3.Invincibility isn't working ,still takes damage
    4.I set up a path that drops a character onto a portal but the portal wouldn't activate
    5.Gatekeeper sends me to game over screen
    6.After installing beta 5 all my backgrounds were gone but that was no big deal just wanted you to know

    So far that's what I've come across,i've been working around it and just changed the levels so I wouldn't have to worry about waiting on a fix. These bugs were in different styled games, not sure if that helps or not. Thanks

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