A Company Wants To Collaborate With Me

Discussion in 'Buildbox General Discussion' started by patostar, Feb 25, 2020.

  1. patostar

    patostar Avid Boxer

    Jan 27, 2018
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    Hello, I have a game made on android studio, today a big game company on play store sent me an email, they said they liked my game, and they want to work with me, but I have no idea what type of collaboration that could be, does any one of you have experience with this? They put their ads in my game? Or they get me more downloads maybe and we split the revenue? They mentioned some games they are working with, and these games have like 5 millions + downloads, I have no idea, if anyone of you know please share it with me, thanks in advance.
  2. spicedbeangames

    spicedbeangames Miniboss Boxer

    Mar 31, 2016
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    Who is 'a big company'? It could be anyone, and all these publishers operate under different terms. So really, no one can give you a straight forward answer.

    You are better off asking them directly if you don't want to disclose who they are
  3. patostar

    patostar Avid Boxer

    Jan 27, 2018
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    Yes I already emailed them, and I am still waiting for their reply, other developers told me they are probably scammers, they want to put their ads in my game, I am not sure, the problem is my downloads have dropped in the last 2 weeks, due to google algorithm as always, so this company won't be getting any revenue at all, if that's what they want then it's useless.

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