Hello, I am trying to show players a specific UI after playing a number or random scenes, it works, the event observer redirects me to the UI that...
I've been working on my game for a while, it's a platformer game, the issue is when I enter the world that contains the scenes and then I click on...
I set time warp of world to 90, when I am in the scene and I click play, the character is slower than the actual speed, but if I go to mind map...
Thanks, I tried it, I set it to 20000 (just a random number) but the hidden scenes are still showing, is it a bug? Any workaround?
There is a way for doing this, we can set Play Cooldown for example to 10000, to make sure the player would never see it, but is there another way...
Hello, my character has move and jump animations, but when I jump on a moving platform that is moving up and down the character jump animation is...
Hi, click on your world UI, not world itself, inside you can see Buttons, logic, Characters, etc. Click on Characters, you will see Character...
wow it's been 7 years already lol and it helped me, thanks a lot guys.
Ok I found it, I wish they added it a long time ago.
I just updated my Buildbox Classic to version 2.23.8 I can't see the new character health bar option, when I click on Add Component I can see the...
Separate names with a comma.