Hey! i hope you're well? I was wondering if you could help me with something? I'm trying to add ironSource & admob via custom ad integration - for iOS & Android. Would you be able to help me? Are you in the buildbox discord? Cheers
I have tested admob successfully using custom option on android export. you can message me for more info
Hey man , i ineed someone to install ADMOB or Ironsource SDK in my Android and IOS games. I need this service and the tutorial. Can you help with this? How much do you charge?
Hi, I found a link to your AI Node on the forum. In the description I found that you need to make small changes to the code for BB3 2D. Could you explain this to me?
Both 2d and 3d version of node are separated and both are included with example you can check them. if you face any problem let me know. For customizing the node u need to know about programing basics this was said for " you need to make small changes to the code for BB3 2D."