@MAC420 Thanks for reviewing the game in a fair manner! It is the first game I ever made so I know I have much to learn. I will try to incorporate...
Thanks @happydays. Via email for now. Hope this helps!
Thanks @swiftcurrent for letting me know about the feature under new games we love. Woooohooooo. Congratulations on your game as well![ATTACH]
Hello Guys, So today I got contacted by two other publishers for Zuberion. They both want me to make some changes to the game. As nothing is...
@whitedogapp thanks for letting me know! That is really helpful! I am new to the business, it just weird that they would as you to change so...
Has anyone had any dealings with a Publisher called ZPLAY?
[ATTACH] Hey Guys, I am happy to share my first ever game made thanks to Buildbox - I hope you enjoy it! Z U B E R I O N Zuberion is a minimal...
@rywnshyhq I hope they fix this with the final 2.3.7 release. This and the points system! Have you contacted support on this?
Was this this ever resolved? I am going through the same issue myself
Is anyone else still having challneges with Leaderboards? My icon isnt showing and I am agetting a "Google play services misconfiguerd" message on...
Was this ever resolved? :)
Another bug: In an endless game, you can only use a menu jump once (teleport to a world). If you try to menu jump to the same world twice within a...
@Lobsters so if we get the upgrade will the scoring work as per your use case? I have the same issue and it is really frustrating...
Hey @Lobsters, I am going through the same thing, havent been able to figure it out yet as well. Been checking through the forum but there isnt...
Separate names with a comma.