Buildbox Rc2

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by NikRudenko, Mar 22, 2019.

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  1. Ivan Perfetti

    Ivan Perfetti Avid Boxer

    Sep 9, 2018
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    @Josh (Tekanology)
    Hi Nik, with this release pinned attributes and respective values don't get saved and disappear after bbdoc gets reloaded.
    Attributes are there while editing a bbdoc but disappear upon reloading.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2019
  2. AppTout

    AppTout Boxer

    Jan 22, 2016
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    Hey Nik, when can we expect this hotfix update that fixes the progression crash (Object Images in UI)

    Thanks and great work.
  3. Rusted

    Rusted Avid Boxer

    May 24, 2017
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    Wow very nice “breakout”
  4. volcank

    volcank Serious Boxer

    Oct 8, 2015
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    There are a few things that I want to add in here.

    1- There is like set background color but there is not an action that makes set fog color also which makes this aciton half way useless at the end if I have a go in my scene I can not use this to drive change background color when a player touches an object etc.

    2- I have a scene where I have the player moving forwards basically a rolling ball and I control it by "touch move" which is nice but I want to make it jump but can not because I belive physics is not working properly. I use position limiter for player at both right and left sides but this makes the player jump really less even tough I increase the "Y" level. And even without position limiter the ball jumps up and stays there. I tried many ways like kinematic, dynamic they never work. I guess the problem is The Y Axis of the player is still in charge during gameplay which needs to be disabled so the player can fall down. This is how I do it inside Unity and playmaker. If I don't disable Y Axis player stays in air. So this is a major thing. You can check my example here. I have asked this in another thread and since it reached to less people wanted to share here. check below what is happening. So here I use the kinematic example and basically player jumps and sticks in air.

    And this is the desired effect that I would like to do. Check the ketchapp game below.

    3-Also I see monetization part in actions but can not find a place in UIs to add unlockable characters so player can purchase them etc. A small tutorial could be really nice.

    4-How bout the level progress thing? An action would be nice to add this kind of thing.

    5-Also how bout the jump action while player is following the path. I can not seem to add that kind of thing in the path follow template. Like the one I said in first on player touches and jumps etc.

    The thing is I am not a coder and would love to see the above actions which are the least I and I am sure many of us wants here so we can make a decent game. Not everyone is a coder or made for it and I am one of them. I would appreciate the help. Thanks @NikRudenko
  5. Josh (Nology Games)

    Josh (Nology Games) Avid Boxer

    Nov 27, 2017
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  6. volcank

    volcank Serious Boxer

    Oct 8, 2015
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  7. Josh (Nology Games)

    Josh (Nology Games) Avid Boxer

    Nov 27, 2017
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    No worries, also for anyone else that is having issues, we do request that you send the BBDocs to as this is the only way that we will be able to see the bugs/issues that we will miss and we willl be able to get it fixed sooner.
    volcank and PunkPuffin like this.
  8. volcank

    volcank Serious Boxer

    Oct 8, 2015
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    Hi can you explain this a bit more on how to do! I can't seem to find a way to do it. I added the unlock logic piece and even tough I have player 2 in my 3d world I can not see that in the Object Drop Down Menu! in Unlock Character. Thanks
  9. spicedbeangames

    spicedbeangames Miniboss Boxer

    Mar 31, 2016
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    Did you drag the player 2 into the character slot? I havent tried this out myself so I am just assuming this is how it works. Work case scenario is email support for some guidance. Rather annoying these little key things are not being posted in tutorial videos or documentation.
    volcank likes this.
  10. volcank

    volcank Serious Boxer

    Oct 8, 2015
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    Thank you for this. No never tried dragging player 2 into the character slot. Where do we do that in 3d world or ui? Thank you
  11. Mancha

    Mancha Boxer

    Sep 16, 2018
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    @NikRudenko Hi Nik,

    This build keeps crashing when I hit the preview button, about 10 secs into game play on any template.

    Is there perhaps a link to the previous build that I could test?
  12. Hue Buildbox

    Hue Buildbox Administrator Staff Member

    May 11, 2017
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    Which build are you on right now? There's a new build on page 5. Hope that helps.
  13. efadah

    efadah Boxer

    Apr 22, 2017
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    i found the following issue in latest build

    the texture offset x and y fields are swapped (changing the value of x will move the y axis)

    even the function settextureoffset is also swapping x and y

    are you aware of this issue?

  14. itzonator

    itzonator Serious Boxer

    Dec 18, 2017
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    OBJ Mesh Issues: OBJ mesh is not recognized in Buildbox as a Collision shape. I have to set CUBE collision shapes to OBJs in order to have one. The character is passing through enemies as if they were not there. That's happening in Twisted Road template. In fact, there are serious OBJ issues when upload into that template. Like some textures are not recognized as such when added to OBJs, etc. The textures were recognized in Scene Editor, but when preview the game, the OBJ files are white, but the texture is there and OBJs collisions shapes are OFF the charts.
    volcank likes this.
  15. volcank

    volcank Serious Boxer

    Oct 8, 2015
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    Hi actually it is best not to use the exact collision shape of the object when building a game. This is also not used in Unity. You create a box object make it invisible and add the main game character as child of that box. Otherwise you might have weird collision issues during gameplay most of the time. Like if a platformer game the player collides weird etc. But still not sure what kind of game you are making so if it is vital to have collision shape then look for a solution but if not just go for cube. For textures to be seen inside Buildbox you need to import the objects inside a 3d software first, bake the textures and then export the textures and the baked object seperately. This can be done in Cinema 4d I am sure possible with many 3d softwares. Just search for baking 3d objects for Game Engines etc. This way no matter your shape is be it a car the only 1 texture file will be mapped correctly. Thanx.
  16. Ivan Perfetti

    Ivan Perfetti Avid Boxer

    Sep 9, 2018
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    @NikRudenko @Josh (Tekanology) @Sam Jam @ketan
    Hi guys, to anyone having problem running games on Android with the latest build I've found where the problem lies, at least in my case.
    Looking for a solution I realized that the generated app now takes much less space on the device than with previous build, about 20 Mb less so I suspected something was missing.
    I looked for differences in the project folders generated from Buildbox when you export to Android and realized that in exports generated with the latest Buildbox build (3049) there is a missing library named
    I checked an export created like a month ago with the previous Buildbox build and this file existed at various locations, the one that matters is at:
    <PROJECT FOLDER>\android\app\src\main\jniLibs\armeabi-v7a
    I copied the folder jniLibs\armeabi-v7a from the older project and pasted it into the new project folder at
    <PROJECT FOLDER>\android\app\src\main\ then ran the app from Android Studio and it finally worked but is very unstable, I've tested it with the game I'm working on as well with the default Twisted Road template and the result is the same, the game only run for a few seconds before crashing.
    This all happened using Android Studio 3.3.2 and 3.4, the latest one with Buildbox build 3049.
    I don't know why this happened but a fix is definetely needed.
    volcank and fast_effect like this.
  17. Ivan Perfetti

    Ivan Perfetti Avid Boxer

    Sep 9, 2018
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    @NikRudenko @Josh (Tekanology) @Sam Jam @ketan
    I've found a different version of which works way better.
    I've got two versions coming from previous builds:
    1) 17734 Kb, should be from Buildbox build 3044, this one is very slow and crashes after a few seconds.
    2) 18038 Kb, should be from Buildbox build 2429, looks faster and way more stable, no crashes at the moment but something is missing, like text labels.
    It would be great to just have an updated file for build 3049 while we wait for the fix :D
    fast_effect, Sam Jam and volcank like this.
  18. nizarawi

    nizarawi Boxer

    Nov 23, 2018
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    any updated version , documentation ?
    nyamuk91 likes this.
  19. volcank

    volcank Serious Boxer

    Oct 8, 2015
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    Hi @NikRudenko @Sean Buildbox about to publish my game in a few days and having 2 problems at the moment. (for iOS)

    1- No matter what I do I can not register the score to game center. It connects to gamecenter but when I click the button it says no scores. I tried in export settings distance or points collected. Also inside game setup I tried like Current World and All Worlds. BAsicall all sorts of combinations of Current and All World and Distance and Points collected and it can never register the score to gamecenter. Is there another place where we need to add like in nodes part of the player etc??

    2- Request Review doesn't seem to work also. It never pops up!

    Other than that the software is great and love working with it so Thank you for this @NikRudenko
    rcruz82 likes this.
  20. rcruz82

    rcruz82 Boxer

    Apr 16, 2018
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    I’m also having problems with Game Center! My users load up but the points don’t update! I had it set to Global Points which wasn’t working so I changed it to Points Collected. Points collected at least sent some info but stopped reporting.
    volcank likes this.
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