Ready to create animated 3D games like never before, all within Buildbox?
We’ve just released a new FBX tutorial to help you get started using some of the awesome new features in Buildbox 3.2.0. This 13-minute tutorial will show you how to use our FBX support feature to create your own video game character with full 3D animation and more. By the end of the tutorial, you’ll have a unique animated character to make your game come to life. You’ll learn step-by-step how to import an FBX file that contains a 3D animated mesh into Buildbox and set it up as the main character in your game.
This FBX tutorial is broken down into two different parts. In part one, we’ll teach you how to take an FBX file from your computer and export it right into Buildbox. Then in part two of the video, we’ll show you how you can also use our no-code game-changer brainboxes inside of Buildbox to make the entire process even easier.
Let’s jump right in!
Buildbox FBX Tutorial
Buildbox 3.2.0’s FBX support feature allows you to import FBX files with 3D animations and model skeletons directly in your game. It’s now super simple to build out entire complex 3D games. This latest update also features new brainboxes, as shown in the tutorial above and content nodes for using 3D animated assets. From animated platforms to enhanced keyboard and camera controls, you can quickly build out levels in your game without writing complicated lines of code. We also improved the navigation features with new tabs for better organization and workflow while creating. There’s even the ability to color-code your script nodes to easier reference. We’ve also added Facebook Analytics for Buildbox Pro subscribers. You can learn more details about out Buildbox 3.2.0 update right here. We can’t wait to see what you create!
thanks Tiana for sharing this it’s really helpful i really appreciate your help and work
Best Regards
Ashish Sharma
[…] to any 3D object created with Qlone to bring them to life. These features, combined with our full FBX support and more, make the game creation process faster and easier than ever. Together with Qlone, you can […]
Hi Buildbox
I really Like the software you Guys are awesome, I was hoping you can help me out i tried playing around with the software just started one week now i really enjoy the fbx support i tried making a character of my own and worked perfectly what i cant get around is having the character move with the fbx run animation i used a move node the character is moving but without the Animation is it possible to make the character move with the fbx if i want to make a Game like Temple run or running Games of sorts? Thanks for Your Help cheers.
I’ve tried to import two random FBX assets that i’m interested in using and they both`return an import error (exceed 65535 vertices).
Can that restriction be lifted?
I have this same problem :'(
You either have no space or ur buildbox setup file has no space .id i were u i would check