Object or Character Start Node

Just like the Start node on the Mind Map is the root of the game, the Start node on the Node Map is the root node of the selected object or character. This is where you can enable physics for the asset, select its collision shape, define its movement, and so on.

The Start node has only one output, Created, which is always linked to at least one node, a 3D Model node that defines the mesh of the asset.

You may not duplicate or delete the Start node.

Start Node Attributes

Option Description
Name Change the name of the Start node on the Node Map for the selected asset, if needed.
Physics To apply physics to an asset, select one of the following types of physics:

  • None—the asset will not have physics.
  • Static—allows other objects to collide with this asset like that of a wall. It will not move nor does it adhere to gravity.
  • Dynamic—makes the object or character move naturally, adhering to the laws of gravity.
  • Kinematic—makes the object or character move around and interact with other objects but without considering the laws of gravity or any other physical forces that cause objects to move.
Collision Shape Select the desired collision shape for the asset:

  • Cube
  • Sphere
  • Cylinder
  • Mesh—A sophisticated shape, with outer and inner vertices created to reflect the shape details, such as a hole in a torus, for example, which would let objects go through it during a collision.
  • Hull—A “solid” shape that reflects only the outer frame of the selected shape, without details such as a hole in a torus, for example. No objects can go through a Hull collision shape.

If you select Mesh or Hull, make sure to select a custom shape in the Collision Mesh field below.

Collision Mesh This field appears only if Mesh or Hull is selected as the Collision Shape.

Mouse over the field, click the Edit icon that appears, and select the appropriate shape for the asset in the Mesh Editor. Click Save when done.

Position Enter the appropriate numeric values for each axis to define the location of the collision shape.

Alternatively, you can later click the button in the Scene Editor and drag the arrow axis handles to the desired location. If needed, for details, see Tools.

Rotation Enter the appropriate numeric values for each axis to define the angle of the collision shape.

Alternatively, you can later click the button in the Scene Editor, then click the Rotation Tool button, and drag the circle axis handles to set the desired angle for the collision shape. If needed, for details, see Tools.

Scale Enter the appropriate numeric values for each axis to define the size of the collision shape.

Alternatively, you can later click the button in the Scene Editor, then click the Scale Tool button, and drag the cube axis handles to set the desired size for the collision shape. If needed, for details, see Tools.

Friction Drag the slider or enter a 0-1 decimal value or to specify the amount of movement resistance when the asset is sliding across a surface.
Bounce Drag the slider or enter a 0-1 decimal value to specify the ratio of the relative speed of the asset after and before a collision.
Mass Drag the slider or enter a numeric value to specify the mass of the object.
Position Factor Enter a numeric value of 0 or 1 to limit the movement of the object or character along the axis:

  • 1—The object can move freely.
  • 0—The object will be locked in the selected position.
Rotation Factor Enter a numeric value of 0 or 1 to limit the rotation of the object or character along the axis:

  • 1—The object can rotate freely.
  • 0—The object will be locked in the selected rotation angle.
Always Active As part of Physics calculation optimization, the engine disables game characters if it perceives them as not moving anymore. When the player touches an inactive character disabled by the engine, the character usually “wakes up” and becomes active again. In some cases, however, it will remain inactive.

To prevent this from happening, and to set a character always active, even if it doesn’t move, select this checkbox.

Shape Always Visible Select this checkbox to always show the collision shape in the scene.