Interval and Threshold Node

This action node toggles the visibility of an asset based on the Interval and Threshold values. Interval is the number of times this node is enabled. Threshold is the distance that the first-spawned Character has traveled.

  • To enable this node, connect the Enabled input to another node’s output.
  • To activate other nodes after changing the asset’s visibility, connect the Visible output to any desired node inputs.

To learn more about the Interval and Threshold attributes, click the dropdowns below:


Threshold is the distance that the first-spawned Character has traveled in the game. After the first-spawned character travels the distance specified by the Threshold attribute, this node changes the asset’s visibility.

To change the asset’s visibility with the threshold, select the Use Threshold checkbox and in the Visibility Threshold field, enter a distance amount in units.

The following is an example of a UI text asset that appears on the In-game UI screen after the player restarts the level.

After the game starts, the Player character asset moves forward in the Z direction. After the Character travels 100 units, the text appears at the bottom of the screen.

Interval is the number of times this node has been enabled. After this node enables the number of times specified by the Interval attribute, this node changes the asset’s visibility.

To change the asset’s visibility with an interval, select the Use Interval checkbox and in the Interval field, enter the interval amount.

The following is an example of a UI text asset that appears on the Game Over UI screen after the player dies after the second attempt.

After the player arrives at the Game Over screen for the first time, the interval increases to 1. After arriving at the Game Over screen a second time, the interval increases to 2 and makes the text appear with a tip.

Node Attributes

Option Description
Name Type a custom name for this node, if needed.
Initially Visible Select to make the asset visible when it is created or spawned in the game. Clear to make the asset invisible.
Use Interval Select to enable Interval attribute. Clear to disable the Interval attribute.
Interval Enter the number of times you want this node to be enabled before toggling the asset’s visibility.
Use Threshold Select to enable Threshold attribute. Clear to disable the Threshold attribute.
Visibility Threshold Enter how far you want the first-spawned Character to travel before changing the asset’s visibility.

If needed, you can also customize this node. For details, see Customizing Nodes.