The Scene API handles aspects of game at the 2D/3D world level.
Function | Description |
addChild(entity) |
Adds the given Entity as a child of the Scene. |
addLevel(name) |
Adds a level to the queue of levels to be displayed. The engine will look for a Level Section (aka Scene) with the given name and schedule it for adding. As soon as the engine needs a new level section to display, it will look for scheduled ones first. |
addScoreCoin(value) |
Increases the user’s coins by the amount given in value. You can also pass a negative value to decrease the user’s coins. Note: A coin is typically something the user can spend, while a point is not. |
addScorePoint(value) |
Increases the user’s score by the amount given in value. You can also pass a negative value to decrease the user’s points. Note: A coin is typically something the user can spend, while a point is not. |
bestCoins() |
Returns the highest value of coins in the current 2D/3D World. |
bestGlobalCoins() |
Returns the highest amount of coins in the entire game. |
bestGlobalPoints() |
Returns the highest amount of points in the entire game. |
bestPoints() |
Returns the highest amount of points in the current 2D/3D World. |
camera() |
Returns the Camera of the Scene. |
characters() |
Returns an array of Characters that are currently in the Scene. Remember, there are two kinds of assets that can be placed in a Scene: characters and objects. |
clone(originalEntity) |
Clones originalEntity and returns a copy of it. Note that the cloned entity’s start() function will be ran when it is cloned. |
create(name, parent) |
Creates a new Entity using the Asset with the specified name, Asset, or id. |
createLinker(name) |
Creates and returns a new Linker with the given name (optional). |
currentCoins() |
Returns the current amount of coins in the 2D/3D World. |
currentGlobalCoins() |
Returns the current amount of coins in the overall game. |
currentGlobalPoints() |
Returns the current amount of points in the overall game. |
currentLevelName() |
Returns the name of the current level. |
currentPoints() |
Returns the current amount of points in the 2D/3D World. |
decreaseCoins(value) |
Decreases the user’s coins by the amount given in value. |
decreaseCurrentPoints(value) |
Decreases the user’s points by the amount given in value. |
decreaseTotalPoints(value) |
Decreases the given value from the total points in the current 2D/3D World. |
entities() |
Returns an array of all Entities in the Scene. |
find(name) |
Returns the array of Entities with the specified name. |
findFirst(name) |
Returns the first Entity found in the scene with the given name. Useful if you’re sure you only have one Object in the Scene with that name. Returns null if the Entity is not found. |
path() |
Returns Path object of the Scene. |
physicsWorld() |
Returns the Scene’s PhysicsWorld object. For more information, look at the PhysicsWorld API reference page. |
purgeLevel() |
Removes the current first level section. |
pushNavigation(name) |
Activates a Navigation button with the given name on the current UI, as if the user touched it. |
rayTest(from, to) |
Returns objects (AABBs) that collide with a ray between the two given Vec3 coordinates. The object returned has the properties bodies and sensors. |
restart() |
Restarts the scene. |
setBackgroundColor(r, g, b) |
Sets the background color of the Scene. |
setGravity(x, y, z) |
Sets the gravity of the Scene. |
setScorePoint(value) |
Sets the current points to the given value. Note: A coin is typically something the user can spend, while a point is not. |
setShadowsEnabled(enabled) |
Use this function to turn shadows on or off globally. This can make your game run better on certain devices. Defaults to true (shadows on). |
setSpeed(value) |
Sets the path speed. |
shadowsEnabled() |
Returns whether shadows are enabled in the Scene. |
speed() |
Returns the path speed. |
totalCoins() |
Returns the total amount of coins in the current 2D/3D World. Note: A coin is typically something the user can spend, while a point is not. |
totalGlobalCoins() |
Returns the total amount of coins in the overall game. |
totalGlobalPoints() |
Returns the total amount of points in the overall game. |
totalPoints() |
Returns the total amount of points in the current 2D/3D World. Note: A coin is typically something the user can spend, while a point is not. |
Adds the given Entity as a child of the Scene.
Entity entity – the Entity to add to the Scene.
Adds a level to the queue of levels to be displayed. The engine will look for a Level Section (aka Scene) with the given name and schedule it for adding. As soon as the engine needs a new level section to display, it will look for scheduled ones first.
string name – the name of the level to be added
// scheduling levels sections ahead of time. Keep in mind that all level sections will not be placed all at once, but based on current distance. function init(){ this.scene().addLevel('LevelM1'); this.scene().addLevel('LevelM2'); this.scene().addLevel('LevelM3'); this.scene().addLevel('LevelM2'); this.scene().addLevel('LevelM1'); }
Increases the user’s coins by the amount given in value. You can also pass a negative value to decrease the user’s coins. Note: A coin is typically something the user can spend, while a point is not.
number value – the number to increase the coins by.
log(this.scene().totalCoins()); // output: 5 this.scene().addScoreCoin(2); log(this.scene().totalCoins()); // output: 7
Increases the user’s score by the amount given in value. You can also pass a negative value to decrease the user’s points. Note: A coin is typically something the user can spend, while a point is not.
number value – the number to increase the score by.
Returns the highest value of coins in the current 2D/3D World.
number the highest value of coins in the current 2D/3D World
Returns the highest amount of coins in the entire game.
number the highest amount of coins in the entire game
Returns the highest amount of points in the entire game.
number the highest amount of points in the entire game
Returns the highest amount of points in the current 2D/3D World.
number the highest amount of points in the current 2D/3D World
Returns the Camera of the Scene.
Camera the Camera object of the Scene
Returns an array of Characters that are currently in the Scene. Remember, there are two kinds of assets that can be placed in a Scene: characters and objects.
array an array of Entities with the Character label in the Scene.
this.scene().characters()[0].setPosition(0, 0, 0); //set the position of the first character returned by characters()
Clones originalEntity and returns a copy of it. Note that the cloned entity’s start() function will be ran when it is cloned.
Entity originalEntity – the Entity you’d like to copy
Entity the new entity
// clone the current entity let entity = this.scene().findFirst("Cone"); let copiedEntity = this.scene().clone(entity); this.scene.addChild(copiedEntity);
create(name, parent)
Creates a new Entity using the Asset with the specified name, Asset, or id. For using an id, see attribute().
string/Asset/number name – The asset the new Entity should use.
Scene/LevelSector parent – (Optional) the parent Entity or LevelSector
Entity The entity that was just created.
let ent = this.scene().create('Obstacle1'); ent.setPosition(0, 20, 0);
Creates and returns a new Linker with the given name (optional). After creation, use methods like setEntities(a, b) and setPosition(vec3) to set up your linker.
string the name of the linker (optional)
Linker the new linker
Returns the current amount of coins in the 2D/3D World.
number the current amount of coins in the 2D/3D World
Returns the current amount of coins in the overall game.
number the current amount of coins in the overall game
Returns the current amount of points in the overall game.
number the current amount of points in the overall game
Returns the name of the current level.
string the name of the current level
Returns the current amount of points in the 2D/3D World.
number the current amount of points in the 2D/3D World
Decreases the user’s coins by the amount given in value.
number value – the amount to decrease the coins by
Decreases the user’s points by the amount given in value.
number value – the amount to decrease the points by
Decreases the given value from the total points in the current 2D/3D World.
number value – the amount to decrease the total points by
Returns an array of all Entities in the Scene.
array – the entities in the Scene
Returns the array of Entities with the specified name.
string name – The name of the Entity to be searched for.
array The array of Entities which match that name.
let ents = this.scene().find('myObstacle'); for(let i = 0; i < ents.length; i++){ // increase the y position of each entity let ent = ents[i]; let pos = ent.position(); ent.setPosition(pos.x, pos.y + 1, pos.z); } let player = this.scene().find('Character')[0]; // use this shorthand if you're confident in only getting one result from the search
Returns the first Entity found in the scene with the given name. Useful if you’re sure you only have one Object in the Scene with that name. Returns null if the Entity is not found.
string name – The name of the Entity to be searched for.
Entity – the entity found with the given name
Returns Path object of the Scene.
ScenePath the Scene’s path object
Returns the Scene’s PhysicsWorld object. For more information, look at the PhysicsWorld API reference page.
PhysicsWorld the Scene’s physics world object
Removes the current first level section.
Activates a Navigation button with the given name on the current UI, as if the user touched it.
string name – the name of the button to push
rayTest(from, to)
Returns objects (AABBs) that collide with a ray between the two given Vec3 coordinates. Optionally takes a filter as the third parameter, such as: “kAll”, “kSensor”, “kEnemy”, “kPlatform”, “kCoin”, “kCharacter”.
The object returned by this function has the properties {bodies, sensors} which are each arrays. The bodies and sensors objects have the properties {object, hitPoint}.
Vec3 from – the starting coordinate
Vec3 to – the ending coordinate
string filter – optional
Object with properties {bodies, sensors}.
// choose an object as the Selected Character with ray testing. pt is where the user tapped. let ray = cam.screenRay(pt); let rtst = this.scene().rayTest( ray.origin, ray.origin.add(ray.direction.scale(100)) ); for (let i = 0; i < rtst.bodies.length; ++i) { let hit = rtst.bodies[i]; Settings.selectedCharacter = hit.object.parentEntity().name(); return; }
Restarts the scene.
setBackgroundColor(r, g, b)
Sets the background color of the Scene.
number r – the red component of the color
number g – the green component of the color
number b – the blue component of the color
setGravity(x, y, z)
Sets the gravity of the Scene.
number x – the x-axis component of the new gravity
number y – the y-axis component of the new gravity
number z – the z-axis component of the new gravity
Sets the current points to the given value. Note: A coin is typically something the user can spend, while a point is not.
number value – the new score value
Use this function to turn shadows on or off globally. This can make your game run better on certain devices. Defaults to true (shadows on).
boolean enabled – turn on/off shadows globally.
Sets the path speed.
number value – the new path speed
Returns whether shadows are enabled in the Scene.
boolean – true if shadows are enabled, false if not.
Returns the path speed.
number the current path speed
Returns the total amount of coins in the current 2D/3D World. Note: A coin is typically something the user can spend, while a point is not.
number the total amount of coins in the current 2D/3D World
Returns the total amount of coins in the overall game.
number the total amount of coins in the overall game
Returns the total amount of points in the overall game.
number the total amount of points in the overall game
Returns the total amount of points in the current 2D/3D World. Note: A coin is typically something the user can spend, while a point is not.
number the total amount of points in the current 2D/3D World