
The Vec3 class represents a vector in 3D space. Here is how you initialize one and get values from it.

let pos = new Vec3(2, 0, 0);
log(pos); // output: {2, 0, 0}
log(pos.x); // output: 2

Here’s more examples of its usage.

let a = new Vec3(1, 3, 5);
let b = new Vec3(3, 7, 9);
let sum = a.add(b); 
let length = a.length();
let sqrLength = a.sqrLength(); //squared length
let normalized = a.normalize();
let diff = a.sub(b);
let dotProduct =;
let crossProduct = a.cross(b);
let distanceBetweenPoints = a.distance(b);

let factor = 2;
let scaled = a.scale(factor); 

let alpha = 0.5;
let lerp = a.lerp(b, alpha); 

let c = new Vec3(101, null, null);
let cxe = c.isXEmpty(); //false
let cye = c.isYEmpty(); //true
let cze = c.isZEmpty(); //true

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