I built a couple of different games now and and I’ve been sharing them with family and close friends. The game that we all enjoy the most is the one that’s causing me the most problems. It’s actually the only one that’s causing any problems. I’m using the tower jump template. The first build was terribly set up. However I cleaned it up and got my 22 (lol) atlases cleaned up and down to only one. I optimized and rebuilt. I converted everything to clones. Everything seems in place. When I run it through Xcode and test it on my iPhone X or the wife’s iPhone 7 or our iPad I get a “Thread 1 Sigabrt” error on the main loop. The game crashes randomly. I tried as many things as I could think of and watched some YouTube tutorials. I’m not a programmer, but I feel like I did the best I could following along with the tutorials. I couldn’t come up with a solution so I rebuilt the entire game from scratch. I started by testing just the template. That worked fine. As I added characters, coins and a point system I tested it again. It was fine. As I then added some graphics and tested again i get the same error again. I’m going to rebuild one more time but not change the names of any of the buttons or objects. It’s the last thing that I can personally think of that’s causing this error. I don’t think this will work because all my other work just fine with changed names. I’d appreciate some help here. I’m willing to share the bbdoc with any boxers here that think they can provide a solution. I really don’t understand this weekend is the last weekend I’m willing to spend on this before it gets pushed to the side and I move on. I’m looking for a solution, but more importantly, I’m looking to prevent this in future games.
something in this thread this might help. otherwise do a google search on the error. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43546497/swift-error-signal-sigabrt-how-to-solve-it
Thanks. I'm still struggling here. I was hoping it was going to be as simple as cleaning the project folder and rebuilding, but that didn't work. I don't understand exactly what the problem is because there is no listed reason for the app to be terminated in the output. I don't see anything out of the ordinary. However, here's a screenshot of where the Sigabrt pops up.
This is getting deeper. Re-build your game from scratch with Buildbox and see what's causing this. After you re-make it will become a better version anyway
I have. Twice now. The first time I rebuilt was nearly finished and figured it would be fine. It wasn’t. The second time I rebuilt it I was very cautious and intentional about everything. I did everything step by step, kept the atlases clean and deleted none of the buttons or objects. I tested the game on my phone after I added coins and then again once I added a score and again after I added more characters. Once I added graphics I renamed things and tested it again I get the same error. I’m going to try and rebuild once more without renaming or deleting anything. I can’t imagine this working since my other games work just fine. I was really hoping someone had this problem before and had a quick fix. I thought it could be a problem specifically with the jump tower template but it wasn’t. I tested that as well. I just need to figure out what’s causing my sigabrt error and how to avoid it ever happening again. Ugh.
Okay. So I started rebuilding again. I'm building it differently this time. I started with characters then coins, score actions, text, sounds. After each thing was added I tested it on my phone. It was fine after I finished each thing. I then added a mirror effect to each platform in the jump tower template. This is when I got my first sigabrt error. It turns out it's the mirror effect crashing my game. I went back to my original build and deleted every one of the mirror effects, optimized and rebuilt. It runs perfectly fine with no crashes for now. I haven't tested it enough yet to be sure, but we will see. Before it was crashing so often and I've played several times now. I wonder if it was because I copied each of my mirror effects? I'll have to test it more tomorrow.