Kicked off Synewaves a couple days ago and full released it today. Feedback welcomed... Fiverr video coming, here's some raw play I recorded. I removed the audio sound track from the final game... thoughts? DOWNLOAD ON GOOGLE
Thanks, appreciate it, this game has received some good interest. Exchanged some emails with two small publishers, but decided to go it alone once again. Thanks! Sorry, these are games I created from scratch. However, Dodgey is open source and you are free to clone it under the Creative Commons license. (12 part series on how it was made) Good luck with your games! Thanks. iOS will be coming within a week or two.
Looks super slick, well done design for a minimalist game I think the game is a tad difficult, my high score is 14 points. Personally I prefer to have levels I can learn to beat. If you plan to do updates, that's my only suggestion. Levels. Also, I tried to check leaderboards, but got sign in error. Not sure if the problem is here or there. Lastly, do you want to help me with UI design?
Thanks. Difficulty is always a tough thing to gauge. I did go back and add the "Save" feature for two reasons. 1) Users can continue to progress without starting over 2) Monitize I think it adds a bit of fun and strategy to the game. Leaderboards, I haven't been able to get them working yet. 4 uploads and they still don't work, but I was able to get them working in every other game with little issue. Will try again. I'm extremely busying with a full time job, 3 kids, and 2 other projects in the works. Sorry, all the help I can give is to point you to youtube videos, Heath Close did some really good ones. Just practice and get used to the controls within buildbox, they're actually pretty good and fun to mess around with once you get the hang of it. Look at other games for inspiration. Good luck
Bro how many downloads have you gained till now from google play?and it would be very kind of you if you pls tell that how much have you earned from over all add networks for this game,That would inspire me a lot!Thanks in advance
Hello gte games I like your game to much but I also have 2 quesitions , how did you make the characters to swipe ,I think in character store is there any button in buildbox wich can I use ,and the question 2 is how to make that animations when you I lose in your game it not direct me to game over ui but it takes some sec ,in my game when i lose it just go fast in game over how to make it some slow thanks ,got game you got 5 stars from me !
I think the swipe you're referring to is for the character selection. You need to add a multi-character button and it will show up. For the "save" scene, I have the game over observer send a user to a "save" scene and there they can click a purchase button which has a action button attached to it that takes them back to the last checkpoint. If they click "start over" it sends them to the game over scene. You can pause after the character dies, select the character and there is an option for "game over delay" I believe. That's not what I'm doing though. In the save scene, I go into the "open" part and set the "frames" to 20 or 30 is about 2 seconds. It takes practice. Good luck.
@GTE Games The portal works fine, he dual character implementation too looks good, overall it's a nice marketing product but somewhat disappointed with soundtrack, it could have been much more better, otherwise gameplay is good one. Best luck bud
The background music is very boring and sleepy!Please change it ,gameplay is good try adding some decorations in the back