Hi,I understand.But there is a loop random level option ticked/checked.Is there any way to bypass this issue?And how much world is needed in general?What i did now is i masked the game level on top of it.So even if a player came across this level it would be playable .
Well do not get stuck in level creation process too much unless you know you have a good game in terms of CPI and retention. Most users do not get to level 4, and delete it only games with good metrics make sense to have a lot of levels. Focus on the first 10 levels to be the best, then if they ask for more, do more. I create no more than 50 levels, then I randomize, even I create too many levels Itzo
Thanks for the advice I know problem with making too many levels.As none of my games made so far was a hit it doesn't make any difference .Its a personal satisfaction hence i enjoy making too many levles
Just put the exact number of levels that you have and once you complete that last level it should begin selecting levels randomly
Hi, I Tried that. But somehow World that has level selector and its UI comes in random order. So what I did is I copied one of those levels to the level selector world.
How can I use this template on a game with one world and many scenes, each scene is a new level. I want to save the progress of the user, and load the last played scene when they open the game.
Then you would want to use the progression template and if don’t want to use that specific template you will need to copy the method used there. I also think there have been several YouTube videos on this subject as well.
while the node itself will run in the free version of Buildbox, you are still limited in the amount of worlds you can have.
Hi @Hanomax @particles I have a doubt. I am using two level selectors, lets say level 1s and level 2s . level 1s connects to multiple worlds similarly level 2s connectes to multiple worlds. Now when first level(1 world) of level 1s completed sklevelup advances to 2nd level (2 world) and when i open level 2s and play world 2 in level 2s loads instead of world1. My question is how to fix this?Level points in level 1s and level 2s must be unique. How to do this ?
hello friend! this is override issue, I believe there is Settings data on this system so if you want to multiply it, you must rechange the settings data names like "Settings.level" make it Settings.level1 on the first level selector and Settings.level2 on the second one and so on...
Hi,Thanks for the suggestion. But it does increments function signal(name, value){ if(name == 'WorldComplete' && !_increased){ _increased = true; Settings.levelID += 1; }
set 2 Settings.levelID " Settings.levelID1 and 2" and if world complete on selector 1 then Settings.levelID1 += 1; if world complete on selector 2 then Settings.levelID2 += 1;
Meaning you have 2 assets for this level selector first asset - complete script if(name == 'WorldComplete' && !_increased){ _increased = true; Settings.levelID1 += 1; } and the second - complete script if(name == 'WorldComplete' && !_increased){ _increased = true; Settings.levelID2 += 1; } and check all nodes on the asset if you find any Settings.****** set it on the first asset as Settings.******1 and on the second asset as Settings.******2
@mohamed awad Thanks for the tips .I had to change it within level selectors too. For those you have multiple categories in your game kindly download the attached file. It contains menujump upto 50 levels. Also in future if you like to add 3rd level open level jump and change all Settings.levelID2 to Settings.levelID3,Settings.levelID4,Settings.levelID5, based on categories.