Updated Many non-coders asked me to have levels in different worlds and load last played level (world). I have helped AlCox to build this in his game. I am sharing a sample here, so that it is useful for non-coders. 1. Attached SKLevelSelector Asset and 2. Sample implementation SKLevelSelectorBbdoc at Google Drive: Updated BBDOC V4 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mA3Adc_F-yIb6qOToYB1PAIzqHffbI2H 1. SK Level Selector World. 2. SKLevel Selector 3. SKLevelUp I have added a SKLevelUpNode, which is in SKLevelSelectorAsset. Just copy and paste in the Character. AICox created a video based on this at
Thanks, @Sean Buildbox For 100 Worlds, many of non-coders have 100 WorldUI + 100 GameCompleteUI + 100 ReplayUI. With the above method, we can have only 1WorldUI + 1GameCompleteUI + 1ReplayUI irrespective to the number of Worlds (Levels).
Someone reported in the discord that sample bbdoc is showing Game Complete after One level. It is because of totalLevel, I mentioned in SKLevelSelector as 1. That is the reason. I have updated the totalLevel to 5 and updated bbdoc in the Google Drive link. Just change the totalLevels based your number of Worlds and follow the same pattern for your Levels (Words).
Hey @particles thanks for doing this! This will take games to the next level for non-coders and this method can certainly improve game retention as many players delete the game if they cannot continue from where they left off the next day. As you said, what if we have those 100 world UI with 100 Game Complete UIs. In some of my games, I cannot have just one Game Complete, as I am customizing Game Complete UI for each level with bonus coins, etc. I cannot have this setup with just 1 Game Complete UI. If that is so, how to adjust your bbdoc with more Game Complete UIs as you Emit Signal to just ONE Game Complete UI: Code: this.emitSignal('Game Complete',true); Your input on this would be appreciated! Itzo
@itzonator Actually, it is flexible to have one Complete UI or multiple Complete UI, Same goes to World or Replay UI. No Need to add additional code. See the connection in Complete1, Complete2. If you want then you can connect more then one CompleteUI.
Updated with more details and attached updated SKLevelSelectorAsset 1. Google Drive for link Sample BBDOC https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gYQzkkJd9IUBbtYwYAEEeIAfpm8gTpKj/ 1. SK Level Selctor World. 2. SKLevel Selector 3. SKLevelManager
@particles, I cannot make this work properly with your current setup. When start the game, it starts from level 3, then level 4, etc. It does not start from level one! I link all Level Complete UIs back to the Level Selector Node: Screenshot 1: https://prnt.sc/pukh1s Screenshot 2: https://prnt.sc/pukh43 It should start from level 1. Right? It starts from level 3, somehow bypasses the first two levels. Itzo
First, check sample bbdoc and how it works. You have done something wrong. And your above information is not enough to help.
@particles I have another way of doing this method to continue game from already completed levels, have a look: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0pyasjtj3bmy2dg/Event Observer Issue.bbdoc?dl=0 But it appears that there's an Event Observer issue in Buildbox 3 -> something I reported to @Sean Buildbox Can you take a look and see if I did something wrong, or if that's indeed BB3 bug? It should redirect properly the level based on Total Points / Coins. Itzo
I have done this before. It's having the bug and moreover, you cant use both Coins and Points in your game. Need to use any one for this level changing. And also it is having a bug. SKLevelSelector is independent of Coins and Points.
Yes, so indeed is a BB3 bug -> @Sean Buildbox (please forward this to the team). The funny part, in BB2, this Event Observer method with coins / points works perfectly. Only it does not with BB3. Strange. Your solution I made it work, simply changed: Code: Settings.levelID += 1; With Code: Settings.levelID + 1; And it resolved this issue for me. It was incrementing two levels, instead of 1. So from level 1, I went to level 3, level 2 was skipped. When changed that code in Script Node: SKLevelManager -> it worked. Remembers all levels, etc. Awesome! Thank you @particles -> one of the biggest contributors in Buildbox!
Thanks. It sounds like that a bug in the template. But you didn't add increment properly in your side. So make sure to check your side of implementation and match with the template that I provided.
To prevent mistakes for some of you guys. I have added a SKLevelUp Node, which is in SKLevelSelector Asset. Just copy and paste in the Character. Google Drive: Updated BBDOC https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gYQzkkJd9IUBbtYwYAEEeIAfpm8gTpKj/
This latest BBDOC does not work properly @particles Can't go to level 2, only goes and plays level 1.