Serious Problem

Discussion in 'How Can I...?' started by fabionushi, Dec 28, 2016.

  1. fabionushi

    fabionushi Boxer

    May 29, 2016
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    i have got a big problem. in my game 2 dots are the character as u can see : but i cant find a shape to cover only 2 dots. any solution ?
  2. Nihat

    Nihat Serious Boxer

    Jun 29, 2016
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    You can't use something like this as a character. if you will use, then you are going to have collision shape problem with your character. And i don't think there is a way to solve this issue
  3. heathclose

    heathclose Miniboss Boxer

    Jan 28, 2016
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    Search the forum or @Phill Mason 's content for a game called Mr Buzz... he created a game with "dual characters"
  4. Phill Mason

    Phill Mason Serious Boxer

    Sep 25, 2015
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    Hi there @fabionushi, my game 'Mr Buzz' was released earlier this year, you can see it here -

    What I did maybe different from what you need to do, but I'll explain how I managed to make it work and hopefully you can take something from it and apply it to your game.
    I wanted objects to travel between the two halves of my character and as you know, creating a single character causes problems, because of the single collision shape we have in BB.

    The way round this is to create half of your character, (in your case, one dot) and in your start scene, drag another copy of that character into the scene and connect the two together, using the 'Active Connection Mode'. This way, you can make your collision shape for dot one a sphere and your second connected character will also have the same spherical collision shape.

    Now as you move around, you can control your character as one, but it will be in two halves.

    Regarding killing the character, this was also an issue for me in the beginning as one half of my character would get hit by an object, but the other half would carry on and the game would not end.

    The way I got round this, was to make a huge 'Defeated Animation' for the character that would span the entire screen. This way, whichever half got hit by an object, the defeated animation would kick in, kill both halves of the character and the game would end. You only need to use a small object for the defeated animation. I think I used a 10x10px square and scaled it up to fill the screen. I also made it transparent, so you don't ever see it.

    I hope this helps to give you some ideas that you can play around with.

    All the best & Happy New Year

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