Hi again, I heard during BB 2.0 presentation that Pacman-like games will be possible... But, will it be possible to do AN EXACT Pacman game ? I mean, with the basic feature that make Pacman what it is : 1_ Different AI behavior for each Ghost (I saw the LOGIC TRANSFORM tuto, but It's not what needed) 2_ AI patchfinding(well, I guess it will be complicated so it's a NO...) 3_ We can't kill enemies before getting a certain power up, but once done, we can destroy them during a collision ! 4_ random(or semi-random) spawning position for the collectables items ! (Already possible in BB, so that's OK) Or at least, wich features between 1 and 3 are or will be possible before an uncertain update ? Thanks
#3 is in BB1: Action Strike... #1 and #2 is not possible, no AI. Only Logic you can set differently for different enemies to have that illusion.
Thanks for the reply trudnai, I'm brand new to BB so would you mind explaining a little further how you would be able to set the logic differently for different enemies? Thanks again for your reply.
When you place a Transform Logic onto the scene you can set the Affected asset on the right hand side panel...
Thanks for your replies. I guess I will have to try something within the range of BB 2 abilities(or try with an other engine)