Hey there boxers! FlipMyApps is launched! www.flipmyapps.com I believe this is a great opportunity (money income) for Build-Boxers that are creating/reskinning mobile games at a fast rate and want to make some extra bucks ! Same goes to buyers! --> www.flipmyapps.com <-- Cheers, GoldenBoy,
90% comission for sellers. $5 Listing Fee Only. Feature HomePage Upgrade: $35 Bold Listing Title: $15 Highlight Listing: $10 Escrow system: money sits with marketplace until both parties are satisfied and agree the transfer. Weekly special free credits Due Diligence by specialists before accepting listings. Bid auction with reserve and buy it now price. Expert’s choice category. Much more to come.
Ahhh, you probably should have waited till then lol. May get this post a lot of views but miss a lot of traffic.
Good luck, and btw, there is another marketplace for buildbox template, BBriver, I think you guys know already about it, it has some decent games. Lately, I was thinking of buying this 2.5D template, I don't know if it was worth it or not: http://www.bbriver.com/market/skate-subway-run
@GoldenBoy I ran one for awhile myself. Right now im revamping it but may only sell my own work and not let others sell. I did make regular money off it. But ill give you a few tips if you want them. 1. Reject all low quality games. They can make store look trashy. 2. Every time someone submits a game, check BBRiver, GameGorillaz etc and make sure its not on there. If it is, make sure the uploader is the same., You will have many people buying templates and then reuploading them to sell claiming they are their own. 3. The BIGGEST issue i had was fraudulent buys. People stole credit cards etc and bought templates from my site. I got the money....Weeks later i get alerts from bank etc that the money needs to be returned as they where stolen cards. I didn't have the money anymore....so it became a big issue. STICK TO PAYPAL. Use their security feats to help combat fake buys or fraudulent buys. 4. Try to find devs who arent on every other temp site.
Hi Mike Have you sent your portfolio in order to have yourself qualified for the top seller badge? Email: support@flipmyapps.com Cheers, Mo,
Thank you! FlipMyApps will not be selling buildbox templates. It will sell complete ownership mobile apps to new owners. Cheers, Mo,
Hey there OneHitGamer, 1. You are absolutely correct. That is why, when a seller uploads an app for sale, it will pass under review before getting approved. 2. Also, very correct. Thank you for bringing this up, this is a MUST. Too many illegal templates. 3. PAYPAL will be the only payment option in the website. Stolen Credit cards is actually very true and it can affect really bad your business. 4. Currently recruiting them, quite hard I must say. Thank you for these very useful tips! Cheers, Mo,
Ive got some never before seen games ive made. Maybe ill put em on your shop exclusively. Thats what you need to stand out from all the others. Eventually buyers will just change colors etc and rename them and attempt to sell them. Thats when we send out cease and desist letters lol.
This guy here at https://buildbox.org/ stole most of mine. After i contacted him i agreed to let him keep them up if he credits me. But he took my Sherbet game and renamed it....that was it...lol Jerk move.
Well, the good news is that the marketplace is officially launched! ---> https://www.flipmyapps.com <--- Register now and get $20 free credit Cheers, Mo,