Hi, i have watch this touturial, when i play the game It unlockes a new world even if you get game over or press pause, the next world is unlocked.. Is there a way to solve this?
Hey bro, same here! Just followed that tutorial and the world unlocks even with game over, trying to figure it out right now, did you manage to got it running?
Think that you need separate clear stage for each World, and unlock button to have on this clear stage UI
Now i am in trouble Next level unlock is working perfectly but if i unlock level 2 and 3 and play level 3 and die and go back to level 2 ,level 3 start automatically
Add you Unlock event in WIN UI , you can win by collect certain number of coins ,points or distance, or in last scene add the nav to WIN UI . If you have ONE WORLD with 100 scenes, in your WIN UI add Unlock Next Scene Button .
I was doing all right but after deleting level select menu and creating level select menu again is working fine