My apologies in advance if this belongs in Technical Issues but I saw a few license posts in this sub. So every time I enter my license key it states Activation Failed. I have contacted support about this, and they said they solved it and to try again. So I tried again and it worked fine. Then after 30 minutes use on Buildbox the software stopped, said Activation Failed then closed. So I contacted support again, and they said they had escalated the issue further, I then got an email from the back end development team stating it was a fault due to 2 billing profiles, and that they had cancelled my old one and re activated my license. However it still doesn't work, it just keeps saying Activation Failed. When I go onto my account on the website, under my license it says Status: De-Activated, is this what is causing the issue? It's a little annoying as support work 8am - 5pm pst/pdt (whatever timezone it is) and I'm based in the UK. Also there is no contact number I can use in the UK to speak to someone (this would be a good thing to implement by the way). I am now 2 days without being able to access Buildbox at all, so 2 days without any work. I know this is most likely something that only Support can deal with, but I thought I'd see if anyone knew anything I could be doing myself to try and solve the issue. I am on Windows 10, and only have Buildbox installed on my one single PC. Things I've tried: Turning off VPN (read somewhere it helps) Deleting the license file (found under apps, local data) Uninstalling and Reinstalling Buildbox Rebooting my PC Thanks in advance!
There are many people who have activation or connection problems with the server. BB is working on the deactivation or connection problems with the license server. There are always activation or connection failures, it is one of the biggest errors of this Software. The BB support team can not be a 24h support, or a local support in each country, it is not a multinational company. Although it is a Software whose price is very high, its rules establish a response time of 24 hours (except weekends). It is very frustrating not being able to run a program because he has paid a lot of money, but you can take advantage of that time that the Software can not use to perform other jobs, such as marketing and advertising your future game.