Leaderboard Problem , Best Score

Discussion in 'Technical Discussion' started by kvk1991, Nov 27, 2017.

  1. kvk1991

    kvk1991 Boxer

    Nov 2, 2016
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    I have problem with my leaderboard.
    In my game I have 5 worlds, All the worlds have one Game Over UI.
    In Game Over UI I have score & best score
    I integrate leaderboard in my game, when I test on my phone everything is works, problem is best score .
    If i have in world one best score 5 and in world to best score 3 , the leaderboard calculate best score 8.
    I search in buildbox forum and nobody solve this problem.
    How can I make leaderbord with total score, I integrate and total score in my game and is same, the leaderbord calculate sum of best score of the worlds but I want Total score or maybe somebody have solution of best score.Please help.I do not know what to show to the players
    I using distance for score.
    Thank You

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