Hello, I am having problems integrating chartboost. I added appId and signature and export the game to Android. Added latest chartboost.jar library to the libs folder and compile and build the game. I added this code from here https://answers.chartboost.com/en-us/child_article/android Code: public class <your Class name> extends Activity { @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); Chartboost.startWithAppId(this, appId, appSignature); Chartboost.onCreate(this); } } I have a green mark in chartboost to the SDK, but is not fully working. Where i still need to add code changes similar to those above so i can have fully working?
Did you manage to get this working? I've integrated Chartboost by adding the IDs to Buildbox, choosing the frequency and Chartboost as the interstitial provider on the UI, and created an interstitial campaign in Chartboost - but the ads aren't showing. I've added no code in Android Studio or made any other manual changes. Any insight you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
Which version are you using? 2.3.8 has Chartboost updated for BB2 and should work. Shoot an email to support@buildbox.com and we can help identify whats going on further
Well, the problem with Chartboost is now you have to manually request Publishing approval. You can request Publishing permissions before you can create a Chartboost campaign for Interstitials / Rewarded Videos. Otherwise, you won't see ads. If you use Buildbox 2.3.8 -> Chartboost is added, so you do not have to add any additional Chartboost code in the exported Android project. Simply go to the Chartboost Dashboard and go to the App you have created, and tick the checkmark, "Request Publishing Permissions." Once you do that within 12 hours, you'll get an email from Chartboost with their decision. One important point, you app has to be LIVE on the Google Play store for Chartboost to approve the ads to show. When you are approved, create a Publishing Campaign for that app. You are all set. Itzo
Thanks a lot for your reply @itzonator, but that tick box is greyed out with the asterix saying 'Needs SDK to be integrated'. Do I need to integrate the SDK or does Buildbox take care of this? I am using 2.3.8.
If you use Buildbox 2.3.8 latest build, simply provide Chartboost App ID and App Signature into Buildbox. For each UI, add Chartboost from the Ad Networks from the drop down menu. Set the Ad frequency in Buildbox. You are all set. Export for Android. Now, you have to contact Chartboost team again at app.review@chartboost.com in order to re-evaluate your submission. You can do that if you get that green checkmark in the SDK and if you believe the Chartboost SDK is installed correctly. You do not need to install, initialize or add any line of code for Chartboost, this is all done for you when you export from Buildbox, but you have to make sure you have the IDs set correctly in Buildbox and you have chosen the ad network to Chartboost for Interstitial. Chartboost does not support Banners at this point.
@itzonator Thanks again for your continued support. I've setup according to the screenshots (images1 & 2 - the ads are setup to show on the Game Over UI in Buildbox) which I think is correct - but I still do not get the green checkmark on the SDK as you mentioned (image 3). I set the config yesterday afternoon so I would imagine enough time has elapsed for this to work if setup correctly - I've also played the game in order to try and generate the requests. Is there anything obvious I've missed here? I've been struggling with this for a while now. I'm also using Buildbox 2.3.8.
It seems good. Did you run the game on a device? In order to detect the SDK you have to play the game with the Integrated Chartboost. Make sure your Bundle ID is also correct in Chartboost area.
Yeah, my game with that config is live in Google Play so I played the version I downloaded from the Play Store. The Bundle ID is also correct. Not really sure what else I can do here.
My game incorporates the Leaderboard from Google game services, could this be interfering with the ads?