This is my workaround how to import 3D objects with Photoshop. Note: You can click on the image to make it bigger. Step 1: Download or make an 3D object. For this example we will use medieval-town-base . Step 2 : Open Photoshop Step 3: Open .obj(works with other formats also) file Popup appears click OK Step 4: Click generate UVs (3D->Generate UVs) , so that we can have a single UV map. Change 2048x2048, which is default to 1024x1024 or less. Reason: Buildbox accepts 2040x2040 max. Click OK Step 5: Click 3D->Export 3D Layer Popup appears, change default Collada to Wavefront/OBJ Then, change texture format to "PNG" and click OK Save to desired folder After saving you should have 4 new files Step 6: Open buildbox project Either drag the .obj(mesh file) to buildbox scene or use import mesh option. Then drag the texture file : .PNG or .JPEG file to texture box Step 7Optional) If you wanna either share the asset or just save it so you can import it to other projects. Then Right click on the object and press Export Asset.
I do not have Photoshop, and I don't think GIMP can do this. When I import .obj file (created using Blender), the asset is white. The UV Map i created in Blender, when used as texture in BB3, doesn't fit. Any other solution to bring in UV Map into BB3?
I do have a png, created from the UV Map in Blender, but when I drag it into the BB3 texture, it just doesn't show up correct on the asset. In fact, as a test, I created a square png file with multi color lines on it, and it does not seem to be applied onto the asset the way I think it should be.I've seen YouTube videos and they seem to be doing similar thing but works. In the other post, there was suggestion to bake. I'll try that.
@PunkPuffin <- This guy knows how you can have Textures because if you check Animation Node he created you ll see in the character he is using a png texture but i dont know how, maybe he can add some Valuable info here.
Hi, none of this i am having trouble with except when importing an obj file and setting it to be static and having physics, the character can still just go right through the obj. its not solid.
@AceTrio I’m no expert on blender and creating models but I do know the model needs to have a UV map as that is how textures are applied then you can apply your png texture and in fact you can chuck any png at it and you will see it applied
first make the object make sure your on edit mode then press A to select all sides of the object. after that press U then select the secound one its SMART UV PROJECT i think. after that you unwraped the uv you can go to texture paint and youll see on the left the uv you just unwraped and youll see the object on the right with pink coller. on the tools on the right youll see a tab and it say no textures press on the + button and choose base color (its gonna have a name like "Material Base Color") and right after that you can start painting you object. dont forget on the left side where the uv is you have a button on the left of the new button press that and make sure you choose the base color you just made for say by defualt it will be "Material Base Color" and while you painting you can see on the left how the uv is painting also. after you finish you can export the uv with the texture by press image and then save a copy. hope it help somone and please forgive me for my english if somone didnt understand somthing. shahar.
Update on my question above: Someone in another thread suggested baking. I followed Blender Guru's tutorial - " How to Bake Perfect Normals in Blender - Tutorial" () and I managed to import the object into BB3 and then use the .png file to perfectly fit the object.
Great tutorial, thank you! I have just a question: I have a tree made I made with Vectary containing the trunk and the leaves. When I follow your tutorial, I have 2 png files exported, one brown for the trunk and one green for the leaves. Do you know how to avoid it and export only one file?
how can I have one single UV map when Im making lets say a mountain with a lake and trees ? @PunkPuffin
@NeedSomeHelp sorry I’m not a blender expert. You can probably use the smart Uv I think it is called and ask it for a single Uv. I’m not an artist so don’t use it for more than the basics
Hi, I'm not that familiar with blender, but as you said here, there is several objects or models in your scene, which even if you export to .obj it will consider them as multiple objects, so in 3DSmax for example, I attach them all as one object, then I apply different material ids for each face, and generate a UV map for all as a one object, paint the faces each with it color, so in the end you will have one object and one UVmap, I know its not easy, but this is the concept.