Hello, I am a bit lost. I had two navigation buttons set to game services for both leader-board and achievements (functions intended to achieve). However, not sure how BB would know which one is for which as both points to game services? PS: I've already setup leader-board and achievements on Google Play Developer console. When I export the bbdoc to eclipse project. I had a "ids.xml" under res/values folder that have strings of all the leader-board id and achievement ids. When I press the buttons both takes me to leader-board. Can't seem to get into achievements
As far as I know Buildbox doesn’t support achievement, only leaderboard. And you should use Android Studio and not eclipse (if you use the new B.B. 2.3.2)
leaderboards don't work on the latest version of Buildbox 2 on both android and iOS game services. I have sent a request to support to figure this out.
O so there maybe a chance I'm not doing anything wrong then... Hmm good to know perhaps on the next update they'll get that fixed.
Is anyone else still having challneges with Leaderboards? My icon isnt showing and I am agetting a "Google play services misconfiguerd" message on the start up of my app. Help ? In app products are working fine. If anyone as any input then that would be much appreciated.
Not sure if you have done this step, but have you created the leaderboards in your play store and app store developer accounts? Once you do that, you get a leaderboard ID which you need to enter in the settings of the game under both the stores. That is the only way your leaderboard will be connected to your "game services" button.
I have been struggling with this for so long. Every time I try and test my leaderboard, I run my game on my phone and Google Play Game Services try and connect, but it gives me a sign in error. My settings: * bbdoc has Game Services button, with interval of 0 * I have my Game Services and Leaderboard ID set correct in BB * I have created a signed apk build and uploaded to Google Play Developer / Internal Test * I have a Full Rollout showing in my Google Play Developer / Internal Test * I have setup test users emails in Manage Users of Google Play Developer / Internal Test * I have also added these users in Google Play Developer: All Applications/Settings/Manage Testers * I have "Ran" my project to my phone, as well as drag and dropped apk to phone, and installed form phone Results, every time I can see Game Services trying to connect, but it always ends in a message that says "sign in error". My artist has permission to test from my GPDA, and he sees no leaderboards as well when he tests. I have Google Play Services version 49 installed from my SDK Tools in my Android Project, what am I missing? Any help would be greatly appreciated. -Larry