How To Fix - Platformer?

Discussion in 'Level Design' started by ds613, Aug 29, 2018.

  1. ds613

    ds613 Boxer

    Aug 27, 2018
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    1. Create a new game> pick Platformer. Hit the play button and move your character left. Your character falls off the platform graphic and just falls forever is there a way to fix this?
    falling for 3 sec = death
    falling below the screen = death
    hidden wall

    2. Create a new game> pick Platformer create platforms that go above the artboard with a platform lower. Hit the play button, move character up the "stairs" up up up up up and then fall to the bottom platform. your character can not be seen.

    is there a way to fix this?
    focus camera on character?
    extend the play area?
    have a fall distance death?
  2. Pete

    Pete Boxer

    Sep 8, 2018
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    You could create a large long platform underneath your scene and then change it from “platform” to “enemy” in the properties on the right and set “collision “ to “destroy character “.

    For the stairs you’ll have to adjust the “camera frame” this one took me a while to figure out. Select the “start” scene of your world and then turn the camera frame on (little frame icon top right. Ext to debug and connections icons). If you wanted the camera to constantly follow the character for example make the frame really small and just wrap around the character.

    Hope this helps

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