Hi boxers! My newest Buildbox 3-game is out, and it`s called "Hide from Heather", loosely inspired by real life experience as well as the tv-show "What we do in the Shadows". You control the character Bob in his every day life, and must complete simple tasks in order to complete each level. However, in certain levels you will meet the one person you simply cannot stand, Heather. She is what many would call an "Energy vampire", and has the ability of draining your energy completely. So follow the "To do-list" each level, but hide from Heather whenever she`s around! All advanced and custom nodes for this game was created by @Ivan Perfetti, and as "always" I`ve relied on some assistance from @Vlad-NY as well. These guys are geniouses, and can make anything you want happen PS: This is probably one of the "heaviest" Buildbox games ever created, with several hundred 3d-models, tons of sound effects and custom nodes. So the game will only run smoothly on high-end devices. iOS App Store link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/hide-from-heather/id1612469849 Google Play link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.joyrideapps.hideheather Trailer: Screenshots: Feel free to let me know what you think (Upon testing I`ve noticed some issues with sound dissapearing after certain ads on iOS, if any of you experience this, let me know)
Pretty cool. Did you try the Dynamic Time Warp Node for the lag? It should work on this type of game. I think https://www.buildbox.com/forum/inde...ree-dynamic-time-warp-node.20401/#post-103453