Hey So I have followed the following tutorial for android to integrate heyzap mediation: https://www.buildbox.com/forum/index.php?threads/android-heyzap-mediation-tutorial.4037/#post-24463 The problem I have is that when I launch the app on an android phone, the button does not appear at all. I have tested multiple times for 5 days and nothing happens. If you have a solution, please share. There are many threads on buildbox regarding this issue, and none were resolved. Thank you.
Yeah, that also happens to me but it seems that nobody of all buildbox history has integrated the rewarded videos or doesnt want to help, I dont know where are the admins.
There are 2 main things to take note of: 1) HeyZap SDK 10 requires you to use mediation, there are no native HeyZap ads available in this SDK. 2) You need to make sure that HeyZap has approved your bundle ID. Sometimes this does not happen automatically. If there is no ad ready to show, the button won't show. If you are affected by 1 or 2 above then there is no ad ready to show.
My experience with heyzap and his winning videos is that when there is no video to offer the player. And this happens most of the time which makes very few advertising profits. This author is of example A Game published From June of 2016 and the one of until Actuality. I think it's not profitable to use reward videos with heyzap. That is just my opinion
That's some very low ecpm you have there. What ad networks are you using? Have you included Vungle and Unity-Ads?
@Andy If there are no native ads, does that mean no rewarded videos will show? I have followed the buildbox heyzap guidelines step by step, and the rewarded video button never shows (tested over several days, internet connections, and multiple devices). I think it's a bit odd Buildbox allows for several interstitial Ad Networks, but only Heyzap for rewarded videos, when it's been expressed by the community time and time again that we have issues with the Heyzap rewarded videos.
We are working on other options for rewarded video in the near future. I don't know yet exactly when and what the options will be. But this does have a higher priority at this time.
I have to respectfully disagree. Once you figure out how to set up Heyzap rewarded video the process is very simple and you have plenty of options to use any network they integrate with. SDK 10 now uses the Fyber network rewarded video if you don't have anything else setup. The one real problem I have seen with SDK 10 is when your bundle ID isn't approved automatically and you need to email support to enable the ads.
This was the issue! There was an issue with the Bundle ID, contacted support at Heyzap and they fixed the issue in less than 3 hours. Really good support!
so is buildbox by default exporting sdk 9 or 10? I am trying to publish with whatever buildbox offers. but rewarded video does not show. I'll contact support to get the status of my bundle id.
2.2.7 exports SDK 9 2.2.8 exports SDK 10 For iOS you should be able to swap the lib/ads/PTAdHeyzap directory between the 2 exports. It's not an ideal situation but it's what we're stuck with for now. We can't control what any 3rd party ad network chooses to do, and we can't integrate every change day one. We have not made a final decision on 2.2.9+ but probably we are going to rollback to SDK 9.
Hello I'm experiencing this same issue: Reward Video Button does not appear on Android device. I followed the HeyZap SDK 10 Mediation tutorial and using Chartboost for reward ads. The Test suite is fetching both interstitial and reward ads successfully. However, when I build without the test suite line of code I'm getting interstitial ads but no Reward button. Campaigns have been set up on Chartboost and are active for reward videos. My HeyZap account publisher settings is showing everything green for Chartboost. Really don't know what is going on
@Andy It's 2.2.8 using Heyzap SDK 10, as suggested in the unofficial tutorial. It's only happening on Android. The iOS build is working perfectly.
Update to the 2.2.9 BETA3, there was an issue with the AndroidManifest file not have the entry to the Charboost activity. Or (with 2.2.8) you can just add it yourself to the AndriodManifest after you export. Code: <activity android:name="com.chartboost.sdk.CBImpressionActivity" android:excludeFromRecents="true" android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen" android:configChanges="keyboardHidden|orientation|screenSize"/>
It's weird but seems like reward video works very well with sdk 10 i have tried it and button ads appearing on buildbox 2.2.8 heyzap sdk 10 i made some tests seems like the prob is with the bundle ios , my game not showing ads reward but soon as i replace the bundle and id publisher belonging to a friend who his game was published by a famous publisher my game start to show ads and reward video i guess Heyzap block the bundle on ios by default , an you need to write them to unblock it
hey! I'm having similar issues with my reward button, please someone should help me out with heyzaps support mail address.