Hi everyone. I`ve been following Zach`s video about "How to earn money making video games using Heyzap and Admob". I got it working just fine. But I`ve made a few small changes to my game since then, and would prefer not to do the whole setup once again just for this. Is there an easy way to accomplish this? I noticed in the Youtube-commentary field that one said: "Actually if its the same game, like a update or a new build, you can just export to a different folder and then only copy the "Resources/Assets" folder, it will have the last modifications you made in the game without the need to do the whole process again!?" I can`t find any "Resources/Assets" folder. Am I missing something here?
You will not want to use heyzap. Because lately some of us found that our campagin balance is gone with no reason. tried to contact the service, but no reply